My Windows phone made me laugh just now. I was using Cortana voice command to set an alarm, damn thing repeatedly ignored me. Eventually lost my rag, yelled "Motherfucker, set alarm, 35 minutes!", so the phone told me, "Sure, setting alarm for 15:15". Technology - getting more human-like every day.
Just crawled off the beach and into a Brazilian restaurant of a friend of ours. Wow! Been a long time since I last ate so well. Highly recommended!
I did a dry run on the scrambler for the Distinguished Gentlemans Ride with the organiser for the Leeds run, with his wife, and two others. It was strange not going over about 50mph all day. It was a good route though through parts of Leeds I'd never seen before and ending up at the Sun Inn near Harrogate and Pately Bridge (45 mile route), though all in I did over 160 miles all day. 'Twas a good day
I read today, that plants react well to being spoken to in a pleasant manner. So this afternoon I spent an hour in the garden calling the weeds a "bunch of c**ts".
101 miles on the push bike, they even closed the whole of the old Severn Bridge off for us. Whilst a lot of you were at Slipperystone watching the Moto GP in the rain I was cycling in it, thank god for Sky and the record function.
out for a meal at the loch leaven hotel. stuffed. seeing as i have only slept for about 40hrs in the last 48. think i will have an early one.
I phoned the doctor today and said, "I blew my nose and now my vision is all blurred. What should I do?" " Stop cleaning your glasses with your handkerchief "
Made some hot kipper sarnies for I'm sat on my arse with my laptop,while John cleans the fridges and house ready for next Saturday He's such a good man