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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. A Spitfire just did three laps of the Brooklands circuit – makes the hairs stand up on your neck. I didn't mean a Triumph by the way
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  2. just heard on the news that gangs are now using dogs instead of knives.

    I tried this and my morning toast was very hairy
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. wtf is this?
    bruce ullapool 003.jpg
    quite nice actually. not with that homo tonic water right enough. well it wasnt a castle, but a massive house on the shore of loch broom. pish ride up, weather man promised me sun, he lied. no wet weather gear. good sesh tho. nice run back in the sun.
    bit blurred but probably the best bar in scotland. the seaforth ullapool.
    bruce ullapool 001.jpg
    #24383 finm, Sep 5, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2015
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  4. Waiting for BBQ pics :Snaphappy::Oldman:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. What exige with his top off sunbathing.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. No pics from me unfortunately, I did ask that pics are taken later as chisel is making short work of the beer stocks.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Well in the end, I had a productive day.

    Fitted new front and rear tyres to the 750 - goodbye horrible Michelin Pilot Road, hello lovely Metzeler M7RR :D
    Anyone want a part-worn front Michelin Pilot Road? They're a really lovely tyre! :Bucktooth:

    Fitted a new Scottoiler rubber delivery tube to the 750, having melted the original on the exhaust like a cnut might do :rolleyes:
    Being the tight git I am, I decided to re-use the plastic guide tube that the rubber tube passes through on the swing arm. My recommendation? Don't be so fucking tight. My thumbs ache.

    Last (I hope!) bit of adjustment in a series of tweaks to my 999 gear lever which I hope will eliminate the last few false neutrals I keep finding when changing up. My last attempt was a bit naff, turns out I hadn't correctly located the adjustment slot on the lever arm - now sorted (999 owners will know what I mean by this).

    I still have all my knuckles (that's a first for me after a few hours in the garage) and my hip only hurts a bit (although I cheated and had a couple of Coco the Clowns after lunch).

    It was no BBQ spent in the company of lovely people but ... it was a pretty good day in spite of that :)
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  8. I busied myself in the garden to stop me thinking about BBQ
    Been weeding edges they seem to have taken over my garden
    Now I'm paying the price my body no longer belongs to me




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  9. Hate to be the one to say it Ducbird but "weeding ages" followed by a pic of a tiny bag...???

    I only wish my missus had the same outlook on garden work as you [emoji23]
    • Funny Funny x 4
  10. The weeds are tiny!!
    That's a half bag full I will have you know :Jawdrop:
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    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. Cut the grass, had a run on bikes, visited a bike shop. Weather today was and still is unusually good. Dry ALL day.
    Police car was parked at end of road. Makes me feel safe :Angelic:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  12. is this your other bike ?
  13. I recently heard nothing but great things said about the Scottish roads. Love to go someday and probably would probably expect rain.
  14. yip.
  15. you should. never rains here.
  16. I will ride in my muscle top and get a tan
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Well first of all, after managing to dodge the bullet with the plumbers coming to fit a new boiler, I met @Exige to ride to @JenC's bbq.

    We took the scenic route via Holme Moss, Woodhead Pass, Glossop, Chapel en le Frith, Buxton, Bakewell, Matlock Bath (stopping for an obligatory latte), Belper, Duffield, Darley Abbey and Derby before getting a tad mixed up in the final run in to Spondon. But not too mixed up. :)

    Anyway having just been there 5 minutes I got a text from SWMBO to tell me that she'd had a call from her 87yo mum, who lives in Darley Abbey, who told her she'd had a fall. So I quickly got back on the bike and headed north again to pay her a visit to see how bad she was. Anyway turns out she'd fallen the day before, falling down some steps in her garden. Though she was slightly shaken and had a bruised backside and arm she was walking fine and was generally ok and not in any pain. We had a cup of tea and a chat, and after an hour or so I left to go back to JenC's. SWMBO will be going to see her on Monday to check on her again.

    Got back to @JenC house and met a few from here that had turned up whilst I was away (@Birdie, @Red Duck , @chizel and just before we left, @Sam1199 ). Good to see those I'd met before, and good to meet those I'd not met before :upyeah: I'm not a rocket scientist but I'm guessing it'll get a tad messy this evening - @chizel was going to make a concerted effort anyway :p

    Shame I didn't get to see more attendees but there'll be more opportunities I'm sure.

    Despite a short time there I managed a coffee and a burger before @Exige and I had to leave. Burger was very nice and much appreciated I can tell you!

    We rode the same route back, and it was a little quicker than getting there as there was definitely less traffic on the roads. We managed to get over 50mph going back ;)

    Forgetting the mercy mission bit in the middle, it was a very enjoyable day even though I had to spend time with Exige ;)

    Big thanks to @JenC and hubby John for their warm welcome and kind hospitality. Hope everyone has a good night, and if the Feds turn up and arrest @chizel for being drunk and disorderly, I hope that he gets a comfortable cell for the night :)
    • Like Like x 9
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  18. Was firestarter singing
  19. Not yet :p
    • Funny Funny x 1
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