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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Youz ??? :Bucktooth:
  2. its strange being the sober one....
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  3. Puff :D
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  4. ta...
  5. Been watching too much daytime tv, hence I'm going back to work in January.

    Have you noticed how the "Come Dine with Me" formula, usually includes one gay, one narcissist, one dragon and one awkward tw@t ?

    Which one are you ?
  6. So far today I've made an espresso, fannied about on here, sent a couple of work emails, made a cup of tea, and watched the stream at the bottom of the garden change from a gentle flow about two foot deep to a raging torrent, probably about six foot deep right now..............and it's rising!

    We will need to keep an eye on it just in case we need to get the sand bags out of the garage:rolleyes:

    If we get a bit of a let up in the rain it'll get back to normal pretty quickly. Fingers crossed:)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. This is at Denholme Gate this morning, which isn't too far away from me :eek:


  8. Fishing on a Sunday, nice
  9. Why are all those vehicles in the canal?
  10. Am I missing something?Why is there not a culvert drain on that corner? Judging by the armco its an elevated section of road which ought to drain freely down the hillside. Why has it been designed as a fish pond?
    I'll come up with a digger and sort it out if you like. Can't do it before Thursday though.
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  11. Fitted my muffs and started stripping down the RD250's alloy wheels for blasting and cleaning. Might go and buy a sonic cleaner !
  12. Started on wet and dry, moved on to dremmel, then cordless drill then the big hammer drill. Had to stop as a few neighbours curtains twitching at the noise after 2 hours. You would think they would welcome the change from hammering and sawing.
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  13. Quick blast to the old Hilltop for some brekkie - surprisingly warm at 16 degrees but a couple damp spots and farmers residue on the roads - felt good though

    Hour down the allotment picked last of the runner beans to make chutney with in the week :)
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  14. Char, have you tried The Udder Farm cafe ? great brekky
  15. No - driven past - will try and remember for next year !

    What and udderly ridiculous name ;)
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  16. Is that the cafe next to Tits Orchard?
  17. There's a farm near me called "Cock ridden farm" lady's keep away i think :Nailbiting:
  18. This weekend I've not left the house. It's been good just to do nothing all weekend.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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