hmm, lets brake that down shall we?:smileys: engine mounting fitted to vavaro 1hr small service and wiring fault with grande punto 2hr check for clutch fault and bleed panda 0.75 hr hand brake cable and check over astra 1hr alternator diagnose and renew fiat dober (not quite finished yet) 2hrs parts ordered for rover 75 door (mission) 0.5 hrs correctly diagnosed running/starting fault with micra (phase sensor wiring yet to repair) 1hr and it's only 2.45pm and not so much as a bead of sweat on me brow.
not quite, but it will be once i make up the invoices. :Angelic::smileys:. if only i was that way inclined. meh. integrity has a value in it's self.
Assuming that's what you've charged your customers that's a 4 hour day and you're on your way home to celebrate with a wee dram
She is indeed hot. And bright too, I think. I'm not going to do casting on this project. Writing the script is enough. I think you have to keep things quite vague so that the cast of thousands who create these films still have something to do. There were 4 scriptwriters on Spectre. I suspect that the thing is very much creation by committee. The director is going to change everything anyway. Best you can do is come up with the story, the characters, settings and dialogues. Leave it to the director to work out how to do the motorcycle chase.
they say self praise is no praise but on the whole i charge book times. freekin saint me. or maybe just a freekin mug. who knows. one thing i do know there aint one person in the area that can say they have been screwed at fins place.