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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Austin Morris still make cars, Elise?
  2. Supra :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Today I had to spend £60 for a toilet seat hinge. Still in shock. You won't be surprised to hear, it's Italian.
    • Like Like x 2
  4. It will need changing in 3 months - remember to spray it with ACF50 :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Is it the faster colour, CR?
  6. CR Chrome?
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  7. Amazingly, the chrome is flaking off. It snapped as its badly made/designed from substandard material. The spare I replaced it with is an uprated solid metal UK item. Apparently they break a lot, it's a known fault. You couldn't make it up.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. They just aren't designed to survive a damp environment!
    • Like Like x 1
  9. and a smaller buttock
    • WTF WTF x 1
  10. Must be made by multistrada :)

  11. Ooooo get you Elise
    Non name dropper
  12. Belts I expect
    • Like Like x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  13. That will be a Newman hinge
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Bought a poinsettia! Last Pilates before Christmas, watch Bath perform badly on the European cup. Not our season so far.
  15. It was unseasonably warm - about 9°.
    Made the most of it by pruning a wild rose, lopping of a couple of small branches of my chestnut tree and the walnut stick I have just planted, did some weeding and mulching. You have to make the best of these warmish days. All work I wont have to do next spring.

    Had a rather good Sauternes 2000 from the company I used to work for (I've been to that chêteau) with some foie gras and also oysters (but not with the Sauternes). I have never had any foie gras that was a patch on what I used to buy from a goose and duck farmer down in Armagnac country when my parents had a house there. Have just been doing some research to see if I can't contact them to get some more...
  16. Not good, and with Toulon twice and a trip to Dublin , could be a challenging task ahead.
  17. Following Bath is like watching a ping pong ball, all over the place. I swear every year that that is it and I won't care about the resUlt but I do, I take it personally.
  18. This:


    And this:


  19. It was very mild yesterday - 15C in Yorkshire!!

    So yesterday started by me having to dismantle a garden table so we could bring it in the house to add to the dining table we have so that we can cater for our family who will visit for Christmas day lunch. There will be 12 of us all told, which will either be very nice or a complete disaster :p

    At 12.30 I watched the mighty Boro spank Brighton to go top of the "Champions" league!! UTB!!

    And then later in the afternoon I met some of my work colleagues to go climbing and then we went for our works Xmas "do". All in all it was a very good day :)

    Today I will be travelling north to visit friends and to give their kids their Xmas presents. Then I'll be popping in to see my old mum and after that I'm going to stay with one of my brothers and his wife as he's just come back from Dubai for Xmas. :)
  20. Statement of this winter "Mild for the time of year" if i had a £1 for every time i have heard this bla bla bla.
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