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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. :Wideyed:
  2. yeah,too right - belts and starter leads don't cure everything :rolleyes:
    • Useful Useful x 1
  3. Took the bike apart, did my fork seals, changed oil & filter, re-polished the pipes & lots of cleaning / detailing...getting the bike ready for the North American International Supershow that will be on this weekend!
    • Like Like x 4
  4. Looking good!
  5. Went out.........got wet.......went in.......got dry.........went out again later...............got wet again.

    So I decided to plant rice in the back garden where there was once lawn.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. I didn't realise you were a paddy.
  7. Goo arn, goo arn, goo arn...........Oi yam, oi yam, oi yam......

    ....but I wasn't until this morning........

  8. Stop jumping in and out of the swimming pool then!
  9. Fortunate to be visiting friends who live on a rather nice mountain. All that wet stuff is falling as snow up here. Powder day. Best snow in 3 years. Lucky lucky me!
  10. Where are you @"Its_just_a_ride" ? I'm going to morzine in a couple of weeks and last weekend it was just green fields:/
  11. Today my car died in the way to work. This afternoon I was looking at new cars.
  12. the 5 series?
  13. Today I got a late birthday present from the NHS. Bowel screening kit. :pileofpoop:
    When you hit 50 your bowels and prostate become open access to the NHS. :eek:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Annual trip to the accountant today to sign off the books. Much trepidation usually, like going to the dentist.
    Not been a great year so I knew I wouldn't have much to pay this Jan because of what I paid on account last year but apparently because I've earned interest on some saving Mr Osborne is actually going to pay me. Don't understand how that works but accountants rock! :)
    • Like Like x 2
  15. You're worse than Costa, ya filthy tax dodger.

    Congratz :)
    • Like Like x 1

  16. has the acct submitted her bill yet- chance it could be same is mr Osbornes pocket money handout......?
  17. got back from our 12 night cruise to the Canaries.

    as predicted, the Bay of Biscay got a bit turbulent and you really need to see 50 line dancers on a dance floor trying to hold the line in a force ten gale to appreciate the skill involved
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. New lid turned up. :)
  19. My new climbing gear turned up :)
  20. I have some hexcentics, tricams, nuts, slings, quickdraws and bits'n'pieces that I won't use again. If you're interested I'll send you a pic and if you want them then pay for the postage and they're yours.
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