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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. It was in his later years, think he's an Egyptian :Smuggrin:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  2. Tonight I is mainly going snowboarding. And tomorrow I will be climbing.

    I is like action man but smaller :)
  3. and more Feminine ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1452677806.900870.jpg
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  5. just got to share.
    an old couple 70s maybe, just drooped by to get a DPF regen done on their car. he gets out to let me in but she stays in the passenger seat. while looking for the diagnostic socket a large bundle of rubbers fall on the floor. ribbed/strawberry, all sorts. Nooooo... i felt me face burning while i try fumble them back in the glove box while she smiles and winks at me.Nooooo. wasn't expecting that. haven't felt that embarrassed in a while. dirty bastids.
    go to make out the bill (first visit) ask for his name,
    ...... ryhder. Noooo i feel my face going again.
    dirty dirty bastids.
    • Funny Funny x 6
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. ^ post of the day if not 2016
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  7. Probably borrowing the grandkids car

    At least it wasn't dentures and a packet or worthers
  8. the thought of a pair of falser's sucking on them aint helping
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Probably takes them out hence why in glove compartment
  10. Changed fluid/bleed clutch on 996. Started the clean around engine, sprockets etc. Found rather more flaking paint than expected [emoji107] . Ordered cnc frame plugs and CF hugger [emoji106] .
  11. off to Wandsworth...
  12. What did they get you on?
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Spent a wedge of dosh today to do what I enjoy most - time on track followed by chillin' in Barcelona for a few days with the most important person in my life by my side. Finally realising the benefit of having older teenage children, they can look after themselves whilst you bugger off and have some fun :). Andy
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  14. You need a time machine with kids as I miss my baby, love my son's current age, but could do with him popping to the shop for a bottle of red for me.
  15. I feel a poll coming on? :Wideyed:
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    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  16. A friend at work got a new mobile today, a samsung galaxy of some kind. It was delivered to work and I was with him when it arrived and watched him take it out the box. I asked him for a look and so he proudly handed it to me. I took it of him and it popped out of my hand like a wet bar of soap. I made a lunge for it and the palm of my hand hit it but I misjudged things and I ended up sort of slapping it down onto the floor. It was about 1 minute old. His face was a mixture of complete incomprehension and shock. So what did I do to recover the situation? I burst out laughing. You know that weird laugh-at-a-funeral kind of laugh that makes no sense but you can't hold it in. Laughing didn't help.

    Luckily that part of the office is carpeted and it looks like the phone has actually survived. I had to wait until he'd tried it to find out a) if it was going to work, and b) if he was ever going to speak to me again. I'm still worried that if it packs in prematurely he'll hound me for a new phone.

    I told one of the other guys in the office what happened and he told me a similar thing happened with his wife's new phone. She gave him the phone to admire and it slipped from his fingers. Unlike me he decided to try and catch it on his foot but got his timing wrong and basically drop kicked it into his living room wall. It didn't survive.

    Tricky things mobile phones.
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  17. Me ? I'm a life long bachelor. The teenager referred to is Carole's youngest who I've known since she was 4. She's a really lovely young women now and has been a real pleasure to be with when we've gone out anywhere but she's old enough now not to need to share her mum all the time :upyeah:. Andy
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