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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Went for a cycle this morning on the Somerset levels, I've felt I am coming down with a cold or whatever but the fresh air was great. Did 26 miles. Felt loads better. Dog got a good walk this afternoon and just had stir fry for dinner. Drinking a coffee and give the dog a final walk.
    All this talk about skiing, we are off in March for a week really Looking forward to it. There are two weeks in March when the none of the French schools have a holiday, nor British or most of the other European countries, it is great, the place is usually empty and no queues!
  2. I am grateful for your concern to get me skiing this year-are you offering unrestricted use of your private chalet in Creekside, Whistler...?!

  3. Skiing US or Euro?
  4. my wife dented the car this morning whilst backing out of the garage.

    I wish the fat bugger would watch where she's walking
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. French Alps
  6. I have caught the extremely deadly flu. The pups think its great I'm at home, but are not very good at boiling the kettle for lemsip.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Tres bon.
  8. Skiing, day 2, very stiff in the wobbly parts. Three crashes, no injuries :)
    • Like Like x 2

  9. skiing on viagra?
  10. does Viagra work on wobbly thighs ?
  11. pop one and let us know.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  12. Im going to try Vodka and soda first
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. When is that ?
  14. Having a day off with man flu and just had a call to tell me the steel site cabin has been broken into over night, all the tradesmans tools have gone including some of mine, one lad had a new set of Makita battery tools delivered last week costing over £900 and they have gone. There really is some scum about.
    Time to go shopping.
  15. Skiing day 5. Did La Chavanette - Swiss Wall this morning, quite scary after a 5 year layoff and broken leg but I'm still in one piece. Last day tomorrow.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. :rage:One of those days!
    Started this morning with discovering that the computer had lost all my yesterday afternoon's work on a fiddly spreadsheet: I'm one of those paranoid types who saves every few minutes when working, but to no avail.

    Traffic leaving work was awful, lots of filtering, then getting stuck at a level crossing where the barriers stay down for ages.

    And to cap it all, there was the snotty blonde in the black Audi Q7 (reg K7 SP something) who berated me out the window at a T-junction near Lightwater, saying it was awfully rude to "push in" past her (I'd filtered past a queue of stationary cars, tucking in when a car was approaching from the other direction as the road wasn't wide). By this point I was waiting (in the correct position, near the centre line) to turn right out of the side road on to the main road at the T-junction. She (or should I say "it"?) was waiting to my left (not indicating which way she was going to turn) and then proceeded to turn right cutting across in front of me. (Because she was not indicating, I didn't want to risk turning right until she was well out of the way, having seen what sort of twunt she was). May she either:
    (a) get a bike licence, do advanced training (and realise that making progress past stationary vehicles is encouraged by the (usually police trained) advanced riding instructors as perfectly proper) and appreciate the joys of two-wheeled freedom or
    (b) wrap her absurd Chelsea tractor round a tree, painfully.
    Either will do, although I'm leaning towards (b) at the moment!

    If it wasn't for the likes of her clagging the roads of Surrey up with their absurdly oversized vehicles, commuting on 2 wheels in all weathers would not be such a necessity.

    Where are handlebar mounted machine guns (or paint cannons) when you need them!

    Rant over ...
    #27896 MrsC_772, Jan 28, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2016
  17. Knee deep in an office refit which seems to have been hassle all the way. Today's cock up - architect didn't allow for pillars in building, so none of the desks fit...

    After a mega busy day I consoled myself by putting a new number plate and rear reflector on the Ducati. The old one was huuuuge, at least an inch bigger in each direction. Odd when you consider this one is road legal.

    • Like Like x 1
  18. This year it is the 5th through to the 13th March , which is when we are going and then the following week. It makes a huge difference any children are school parties but not really a problem.
  19. That is a really good 9 1/2 boarding 10 rant there. well done. I am back to doing a commute to Bristol and quite frankly I am waiting for someone to rear end me at traffic lights because they go through on red, I sTop if they are turning to Amber, and I have had people lock up behind me. And I'm not slamming my brakes on, if it was tight I would go on through. Frankly I am appalled at the risks people take just to get to the next queue as quickly as possible.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. and that is bristol commuting..... Until recently i did a commute to near Parkway, and it was amusing( read stupid) seeing some driving standards most days, the antics some people would pull queue jumping etc. I'm no angel, but quite frankly some stunts were ridiculous. usually by hoodie wearing drivers or sales execs in audis( other brands/job roles may also apply).
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