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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I stuck to Urban mode (only 100 bhp) for now, so no hooliganism.
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  2. Went for a blast on the SMT. In theory I'm selling it to help pay for the 1290SDR I've just bought. But God it is a laugh. And it sounds fantastic. Pushed it as hard as I dared on cold roads and as usual on that bike I didn't want to get off. I'm really struggling with the idea of parting with it..
  3. Sadly our last full day in Barcelona. Had a lazy start, wondered up to the Boqueria covered market after breakfast and mosied around the stalls. Walked up to the Iberico shop for something to bring home and then took the metro to what is to our taste, the best lunchtime tapas bar in Barcelona, the Xempenyat just down from the Piccaso museum. Lazy afternoon in the spa with a (preplanned) oriental massage followed by a light dinner in Bar Lobo before returning to the hotel. Home tomorrow, pick the bikes up from Focused and back to normal ......... until I can arrange a long weekend somewhere. Andy
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  4. Stonking bikes. Keep it Gimlet. Can't go touring on the SDR so it's more of a need than a want [emoji6]
  5. I know I know....
    I've just cleaned myself out buying the SDR but I have to have that in my life. 106 lb/ft of torque at 6500 rpm and the limiter doesn't come in till 10K. 80 lb/ft at 2000 rpm... I mean, what can you do...? And its orange.
    And I can't get rid of the Streetfighter even if it has blown its feckin dash.. because its the Streetfighter and its red.
    I suppose I could hang on to the SMT till April the 5th, get my books in sharpish and see what my tax bill is going to be.. But then I'll have insure it and keep riding it and putting miles on it.... Like you do..
    Bugger bugger bugger.....:oops:
  6. The currant bushes got a severe prune.
    Apparently, you are meant to prune wood that is over about 3 years old. Hmm. Most of it was more like 15 years old or more, so about 2/3 had to go.
    I have more than enough currants as it is, so if 2016 is a lean year, I'll survive.
  7. Walked the dog about three miles first thing, then double Pilates, over to WSM with daughter for quick shopping trip. Drove home thinking it would have been an excellent day to go out on motorbike but too late, isn't it always the way. got home, watched the rugby, just had home made mincepie and coffee. About to take out again.
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  8. Pilates is very underrated.
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  9. I do a somatic Pilates class every Saturday morning, it's made a world of difference on the bikes as I support myself better through my core. It's made the biggest difference on the Benelli as its so nose down arse up.

    Just got back from putting the LED strip lights up in mates garage. It's gone from the black hole of Calcutta to well lit and bright! Result, and there is still another (normally very expensive!) Italian led fitting to go over the bench. Working in the industry has its benefits - the lighting in the garage would have cost about £600 at retail price!
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  10. A very quick shopping trip- dolphin square is still rubble!
  11. I try to go most weeks, if I don't my shoulder goes mental.
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  12. Last night SWMBO and I went with some friends to see the Fun Lovin' Criminals play at Manchester cathedral. What a great setting for a great gig! Thoroughly fantastic!

    This morning we all had a leisurely breakfast (they all stayed at our house as they were from up north and Leeds) then when they left I went climbing for a couple of hours and SWMBO went to her family history research place.

    This evening we've done bugger all except watch trash TV.

    If it's nice tomorrow (and depending on which website I look at its either snowing or sunny but cold) I may go out on the bike or bikes :)
  13. I saw them in St Albans few years back, really disappointing. Was all about Scooby Snacks.
  14. Indeed it is very underrated.
    it certainly is. I started as rehab for knackered knees from years of running and triathlon, these have improved significantly, now I go because it is such a good workout. Coupled with cycling and the gym (mainly weights) I am probably in as good a shape as when I did triathlon.
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  15. Actually went out for a ride today, great to be out on 2 wheels again. Got an update on my new PP so March or possible April at latest.
  16. Nice run to the ace, and good to catch up with a few forum members [emoji41] less great for my helmet to blow off the petrol pump and land on the visor, fortunately (if that's the right word!) the visor took all of the impact, not a single mark anywhere else. New visor is winging its way to me right now! (Not broken, just a few deep scratches)
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  17. We've just been to Bagden Hall for a champagne afternoon tea that SWMBO was bought for her birthday last year.

    I'm feeling fat as a fat thing right now. #bigbelly :)
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  18. #?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. He's in with the hipsters :)
  20. i have a beard...but # is a step to far
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    • Funny Funny x 1
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