Iv been proper fucked about by a punter (originally from a gaff in north of India - but my PC solicitor son says I gotta stop using his descriptive term!) on surprise surprise a Honda Accord - innit? He was in it,out of it,up it and under the fukkin thing for 2 hours and wingeing about a tiny tiny shopping trolley dent on rear door - the only mark or blemish on it! The car is a minter with Total Honda main agent war n peace service history and it's the cheapest on the net! So he then bids me exactly half what I'm asking and going on and on about this dent which I told him I could sort with a dent man? All of a sudden 42 years of motor trading anger exploded - I kicked the door in that had the tiny dent and said " it fuckin needs painting now!" It was only my level headed mr sensible business partner that saved jaz,baz,daz,max or whatever his name is from the same fate.Now back at home (after dropping Honda at Jam Roll paint shop) and having a green tea.Might put some whale music on while I wait for Chizel to collect his 749 exhaust?
It won't creep up on you chap - seems like only yesterday I was pilled off my canister dancing like I had St Vitas Dance in Ibiza,shagging for England,drinking like an Egyptian donkey and partying till daylight - finishing with a champagne brekkie! Now I'm paying for 40 years of lunacy,decadence and total madness.You know what - I wouldn't change a fuckin thing (maybe with hindsight shafting the wife's sister wasn't such a good move?).Good mate of mine I went to see in a Hospice the day before he died from agonising stomach cancer (miss him bigtime!) said to me " when your time comes at least you ain't gotta lay here thinking I wish I had shagged her,wish I had gone there or wish I had done that?"
A good day so far, sorted some things out then Emailed CJS and went to the gym for the first time in ages, came home to a nice box waiting for me... Just need the end can and servo buddy and that can be fitted.
I'm making hot-cross buns. Sort of forgot to make them in time for Easter, and then have had a bit of a cold and feeling below par. That's the dough done; they are meant to be rising now. Fingers crossed (probably why they are called hot-cross buns). Also picked and washed the dandelions for the egg, bacon and dandelion salad for supper. Should be good. Additionally, filled a barrow with dead sticks and bits of branch from a neighbouring walnut tree (winter damage). I'll be happy to have that to put on my BBQ later this year. Now considering if I shouldn't visit another tree and fill another barrow. I think I will.
Just a quick thank you to everyone for their condolences and good wishes after my sister passed away last week. The Coroner and attending doctor have finally decided to agree today that the cause of death was bronchial pneumonia although I don't understand why it's taken them 9 days to reach agreement when it was was bloody obvious from the x-rays they took 4 days earlier. As there is no paperwork yet, probate and inheritance tax applications are on hold although the funeral is now organised and I have a date. Once again thanks for all your kindness folks. Andy
Received my 959 Panigale roadside assistance card. Cool. Hope I never need to use it however, nice to have in the jacket.