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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Was that on anticipation of the big day , boy you are spending too much time on the ledgend
  2. I took more bits off my Bike. Currently most of my modifications involve just taking ugly plastic bits off. Took the chain guard off and a "shark fin" under the sprocket, no idea what it does. All of this with the help of a 3 year old just to make it tricky. Walked around the house with a 7week old baby for 2 hours and now I am drinking wine.
  3. Lit the fire
    • Like Like x 2
  4. Uncle buck just started on itv4 +1!

    Sent from my SM-P900 using Tapatalk
  5. a motorist in south london showed the true spirit of christmas after reverseing out of his drive making me swerve violently he gave me the wanchor sign !
    silly man i know where he ilves ..i'll post him a card attached to a brick later
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. You should have stopped, calmly walked over, held him down, and pissed on him.
  7. Bit weird ^
    • Funny Funny x 2
  8. Yorkshire puddings fell out of mine! Mine was from Aunt Bessie
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  9. I've done three parts of bugger all (the fourth part not being completed as I have just done a couple of works emails). However I have watched another episode of Games of Thrones this morning. :)

    SWMBO has decided she needed to go shopping for even more food. I just don't get it. :confuse:
  10. Crazy, isn't it? :Wideyed:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. We had to go to Morrison's at 6.00 this morning for some bits and bobs we did the main shop Thursday spent £120 today we spent £107
    It's a Morrison's merry Christmas
  12. Went to our local farm shop to collect the meat and a load of veggies and stuff.
  13. South London is the Wild West! Best to just ignore and drive on cos even the women drive round with a claw hammer in their door pocket!
  14. Gym now done. Mince pies and cream just consumed with a strong, fresh coffee. What time can I legitimately get on the beer?! ;)
  15. After promising myself I wouldn't go near a shop today, I've been to the shops today, twice. :Facepalm:

    Although I did walk away with alcohol on both occasions, so that cancels it out in my eyes. :Happy:
  16. Christmas arrived early this morning! Had a call from an extremely polite Latvian gentleman on my 03 BMW M3 which I've had since end of July and was beginning to think I would be buried in? It's in a truly awful sort of Aztec gold metallic (yep,that's the one!) with equally sickly saffron leather and gold and chrome massive low profile alloys.Ive been on the very edge of waving it goodbye 4 times and every time the V5 blows the deal out of the water - 12 previous owners!!! All of whom ragged the life out of it? Anyway paid after a halfhearted minor haggle,cashed me up in full and headed for the tunnel.What a result - thank you Latvia,thank you Santa and thank GOD!
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. You are about 3 and half hours behind me! But I am celebrating
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  18. I've just been to meet with @Sam1199 's daughter's BF to pick up a gift that @Sam1199 kindly got for me. And here it is in all it's glory!!


    Thanks Sam :)
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  19. Load of old bull
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  20. I'd get that money banked first.... ;)
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