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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I didn't know she was going.

    One wonders what I will have to do for forgiveness :)
  2. my burv lives Colmans hatch superb place to live saw a massive adder in his back garden so much bigger than i thought it would be !
  3. They're very more-ish, you should try one:upyeah:
  4. I no like!

    The daughter had two lil corns snakes as pets and they were bad enough.
  5. All loaded up yesterday @ Swindon! :biggrin:

    #3346 bex, Jan 13, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2013
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  6. Fig, I thought you wouldn't polish pipes cos you won't get laid etc, so are you on a promise tonight with some lucky lassie or what!!!! Go on get the grinding paste out and apply liberally before polishing vigarously til it all comes good.....over and out, rodger 10/4....copy?
  7. Lucky lucky bar stewards!
  8. I have one tattooed on my shoulder
  9. Call her Char then we'll be even

    I dont hold a grudge

    Well no more that the next female
  10. i hate snakes too, scare the crap out of me, last time i saw one i left the dog to sort himself out
  11. I like them - my son has a corn snake to

    Prefer the bigger ones though
  12. been in most of day with kids and messed about on here mainly

    cant wait to get rid of bloody crutches lol
  13. Smoky and the Bandit was like three decades ago man. Get with the program...
  14. Slept most of the day (just as well given how sh*t the weather is) after having a bone graft yesterday, not big stuff really, but it's no fun having your gums peeled off your upper jaw, yuk!! They tell me I have bits of cow and pig strengthening my jaw?
    Currently eating soup and soggy bread in between Amoxycillin and Nurofen. Watched the best prog on TV though, Bonneville what a great way to cheer up a shit day.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Spent 16 hours in a bristol hospital ending up with the introduction of little princess tt600 into the world.
    First and probably last child, it's going to be fun!
    after 21 hours straight awake, time for a few z's!,
    • Like Like x 6
  16. Congrats!..

    21 hours no sleep :(
    Sorry to be bearer of bad news that's just the start! Unless you get a sleep througher !

    Mine are all big now . So no worries and I have problems getting them out of bed!

    I couldn't do sleepless night ever again..
    Not out of choice !
    But congrats and enjoy the ride!
    Daughters tend to be Daddies girls :)
    So your be the best thing since sliced bread!
  17. HRoyum feel for you :(
    I had part of my jawbone filed down Friday and bits of bone fragments removed from bad dental extraction .
    Now got bit of bare jaw in my mouth and a hole ...now a dry socket and exposed bone :( nowhere near as dire as you),

    Get well soon !
    #3359 He11cat, Jan 14, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2013
  18. Er Fig?
    Fig .....
    Tut tut !
    Did you not know all the ladies like men who keep their pipe nice and clean and shiny :p and take a pride in it :)
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