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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Spent all day waiting for Nat West computers to start working, had to pay emergency cash wages today as the transfers did not work. I have to say that everyone I spoke to at the bank was very polite and friendly even though there was very little they could do. The local branch was very good cashing a business cheque for me even though they could not check their computer as is the usual practice, they did say they knew I was good for the money though, local banking does work.
  2. What? Local banking! I thought the days of real live living people employed was just a sad distant thing of the past consigned to memory, with all the automated faceless machines and web banking being the way of today.

    Self service checkout anyone :wink:
  3. Our local (sub) branch has a cashpoint outside, but that is it, there are always two cashiers working and they will greet you by name and ask pertinent questions about your day, this is not just to me, I go in most days and I see them treat everyone that way. It is only open old fashioned bank hours, but I can go into the bigger Chichester branch if I want longer hours and machines as well as people. HSBC only have machines in their local branch.
  4. Day one of my current 2-week project at work. It was meant to be the easy start to a hard couple of weeks. 13 hour day but I got 30 minutes for lunch, so "woot"!
    I miss my bike. :frown:
  5. Finally got the rear brake working after spending a week trying to bleed with a duff master cylinder. May be I'll pull it apart to see if a repair kit will fix it.
  6. I am sat in waiting for a courier and putting ST2/4 stuff on ebay want to get out on the 888 but have to wait in boo
    and the sun has just come out double boo
    regards Steve B
  7. Bought Apple tv...now officially an Apple convert...makes a change from spending money on bikes!
  8. I did that last week. I thought it had iPlayer, 4OD etc. but apparently not. Airplay is very cool though. I'll have to wait until they've jailbroken it for the on demand players..
  9. Yep me too, but wondered if you can use with mirroring and launch iplayer on iPad......
  10. .....and the answer is yes :upyeah:

    But you have to keep it on so the screen isn't locked etc
  11. Doesn't work for 4OD yet but is coming. Very cool.
  12. Working on the bikes today, heads off the 748 for a top end refresh/shim up etc and a serious clean up (now I can get to all those little hidden places) and an exhaust polish. Wheels off the 998 for new tyres. Hopefully off the brother in law's workshop to use his parts washer while he fits the tyres then back in time for a little ride round to bed the new tyres in.
  13. Well it wasn’t today, it was Saturday. Went to pick up my bike from its service at the Invisible Ducati Dealers. GB Tec is located about 70 miles away in a village in the middle of a vineyard. I am located in the middle of a village in a different canton. The journey looks like this:

    Get up at 5:50 am
    Walk to next village : 10 mins
    Get small two-coach branchline train to Lausanne : 40 mins
    Change stations: 15 mins
    Get train from Lausanne to Martigny: 40 mins. Fall asleep in train, wake up fortuitously in Martigny, scamper off in great hurry.
    Get Postbus to Chamoson: 30 mins.
    Arrive at invisible dealership.
    Have coffee with ex-owner who just hangs out there all the time. Dealership is closed on a Saturday. Get on sparkling 999 with new chain and sprockets and head off over some passes for long way home. Feels like a new bike!


    Martigny station with waiting Postbus (not mine).


    View out of the bus, coming up to Chamoson


    50 yards away from one of Switzerland's biggest Ducati dealerships in terms of bikes sold. It's down the end of this drive. There are no signs on the main road at all and it is completely invisible. Passing trade: zero. Word of mouth recommendation : masses.


    Ah, there it is.


    Some of the secondhand stock. Sorry I didn't take the photo of the new stock - it was chock - delivery just in.
    Apologise for picture quality: found my SLR battery was flat the moment I tried to take a pic - doh! So it's all iPhone.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Think I'd rather have been wandering round a dealer in sunny Swizerland. Tyre delivery didn't turn up and after cleaning up cylinder heads found one opening rocker stuffed and another looking dodgy. Camshaft I think is going to be ok but need to give it a clean and polish to be certain. Out with the feeler gauges now and start seeing what needs to be changed.
  15. All i've done today is phone people and speak to them about wine, normal day really. I'm about to leave to go to Walton to get my nut tightened.
  16. What have I done today.......Ummm....

    Had a pre-MOT ride; then went out on the bike to get over it.

    Filled up with petrol.........(its an easy way to carry some back for the lawnmower........but I keep forgetting I have whipped a gallon out of the bike tank, when I'm using the tripmeter as a fuel gauge)

    On the road, reduced pilot screws setting by 1/4 turn.........running much better now......even has a decent tickover around 1000rpm or just under.

    Crossed drilled the heads of some stainless bolts and replaced the rear caliper bolts, then lockwired them.

    Replaced the chewed up head countersunk bolts in the alternator centre cover thingy, for stainless c/s socket head bolts.

    Replaced the chewed up cross head screws that hold the clutch and brake master cylinder covers on.

    Fixed a faulty front indicator bulb holder.

    Adjusted headlight dip beam position.

    Put my house on the market.....not looking forward to cutting the grass every week now.

    Fed the d*mn cats again.............Fed my d*mn self (cooked the cats)...

    ....What next today? Clouds building up and it looks like rain....I guess it's time for three or four cans of cold strong cider instead of another blast.

    Back when I'm p*ssed...
  17. buying and fitted a new EGR to my car...£280 I could have done without spending :(
  18. What is an EGR?
  19. Exhaust gas recirculating valve, their fitted in turbo engines.....

    From a similar experience :-(
  20. That's a rather lovely part of the world you inhabit Glidd!
    You've depressed me a little bit, in a good way.
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