Don't know whether its true but I read somewhere that the antenna in contactless cards runs around the perimeter, so if you cut quarter of an inch off a corner away from the magnetic strip and at the opposite end to the chip so the card will still feed in ATM machines, the contactless function is disabled. I have a scanner-proof wallet. The card compartment it lined so fraudsters can't can't use scanners to read the cards while they're in the wallet. Apparently... Didn't stop my Credit card getting cloned when I paid with it at a petrol station though... I'd like to name it because I'm 99% sure I know which one it was but I can't be sure.
My dad has early onset dementia at 78, he knows it's happening. He told me last night he wants to start taking pictures so he can remember things and whats left of his life, that was a phone call I didn't expect last night. Meeting him today to explain digital cameras in a way he can understand and remember, A hand written dummies guide will be included, if he asks me about laptops as well, I am sure I will kill him myself Trying to explain to a man more Luddite than a Luddite, digital cameras, internet, laptops and all they can do to a man who will forget within the next 10 minutes is challenging, so I've decided to do a dvd for him with a dummies guide to cover most of the technology he is walking into. This will allow him to have a permanent reference and a show and tell which often is easier to understand than a written word.
I feel for you man.....myself and my wife look after her Father full time as he has very severe dementia....its very hard every day......he's 89 and the dementia started to take a grip 5 years he's unable to complete even the simplest tasks...we have GPS tracking footbeds in his shoes incase he's try's to do a vanishing act - which he tries every single week!!!......It's bloody hard work.
You will need the patience of Job and then some. We went through this with my father and we certainly had our moments. He sadly passed away a year ago, but I well understand what you have to deal with. Good luck!!
Sat in the garden, birds singing away while I work on a business case (consulting before proper job, gotta love it ) when just been hit by big wet splodges! Rush all my tech inside. Sounds a great natural reason for a bacon sarnie lunch before back to it
Just finished a maintenance wash on the Shogun....Harrys at Dementia respite care for today, so I can get jobs done without the worry of anything happening...Wifey has gone to York for the day with friends....need to have quality time for ourselves sometimes yet this is very far and few.....Harry takes up 100% of our time. I call this truck the ' Sunshine Wagon '....lots of room for Harry when we take him out!
Unloaded the bike after collecting from cornerspeed. New wheels (courtesy of Nelson) and HPK discs fitted and a few other bits done.