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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. :upyeah:;)
  2. Yay, my lass finally packed and fucked off for the weekend.I'm off shift, so let the pub, take outs, TV, house to myself and general life of debortiary begin :cool:
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  3. Yesterday sat at living room window watching wild turkeys eating bird seed, temps above freezing.Today, me and 3 year old Draht "Tina" , 3 IMG_20171026_1222400.jpg IMG_20171027_1131124.jpg hours west of home, sitting in trailer looking out window at snowy ground, well below freezing, winds blowing 30-45mph. Waiting for winds to die down to get out pheasant hunting.
    • Like Like x 3
  4. Lets hope the winds keep up then ;)
  5. Debauchery,
    Southerners eh! :)
  6. Soz, in pub, the phone typed it :cool:
  7. Thanksgiving soon, turkeys better be running :D
  8. Strictly & Xfactor ?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. We don't hunt the animals on our property, thought about it. We do let friends. I've counted 41 turkeys at a time. There are so many in the area that they are considered a nuisance. They are fascinating to watch. We also get bears and deer. This bear destroyed my suet feeder, left the top hanging. IMG_20170612_1821143.jpg IMG_20171006_0900403.jpg coming through.
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  10. Pity you don't have educational establishments in France to teach you how to spell. It's "debauchery" you'll be getting up to. ;)
  11. Not my fault, HTC and beers fault :cool:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Oh yeah, TiVo on for them!! :rolleyes:
  13. We're all wondering how you get rid of your trash out there in the sticks
  14. Are we :)
  15. Just drove past Dick Lovett, Ferrari and now travelling past Lacock..
  16. That's pretty funny and partially true. Actually, the animals do visit the bins sometimes for dinner. They leave quite a mess. Unfortunately my husband is the lucky one to find it on his way out to work in the morning and has to pick up after them (he's too fussy and probably not angry enough to just drive over the mess).
    • Like Like x 1
  17. and just how would you know ET ??? :p
  18. I have been known to be debaucherous.............in the olden days :p
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. After AC Effing the 350 Elsie, I settled down to read the Rochdale Herald's latest "scoop" :-

    Trump to release fresh evidence that Obama shot JR

    "The so-called “President” of the United States has ordered the CIA release all of the files relating to the attempted assassination of Texan oil baron JR Ewing more than 37 years after the incident.

    The documents have yet to be published on the National archives website and analysts all over the world are dying to pore over the hundreds of thousands of hand-written pages relating to the notorious incident, according to sources close to Donald Trump.

    Mr Trump said he wanted to release all governmental material relating to the 1980 shooting of the American oligarch but was being hampered by both the FBI, NSA and CIA who have all denied the existence of the material.

    “We all know who is behind this crime.” Donald Trump told reporters. “It’s an open secret that Barack Obama shot JR and the Democrats and Libtards covered it up. We will get to the bottom of this.”

    A spokesman for the US National Archives said: “What the hell is the loon talking about. This whole thing was cleared up years ago. Everybody knows Kristen Shepard shot JR. We sent him the tape last week.”

    “Doesn’t have anything better to do? Like, oh, I don’t know. Leading the free world?”

    Asked if Mr Trump was angry that he had been unable to fulfil his undertaking to conclusively prove that Barack Obama was behind the shooting and government agencies being unable to provide evidence beyond a grainy Betamax recording of the Who Done It episode of Dallas from November 21st 1980 a spokesman said:

    “The President wants to ensure full transparency and he thinks the FBI are definitely hiding evidence that can pin this on Obama.”

    He also said something about Roswell, mind control and faking the moon landings but we had all stopped listening by then.
  20. Things did indeed rock in the 40s eh Tel ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
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