Finished a workshop bodgery flow bench a la Vizard. Now starting to test the head for a 105 series Giulia sprint Gt engine.
Read some surprising research results from the Daily Mash Southern scientists discover some Northerners not working class 12-11-17 SCIENTISTS from the south east have been surprised to learn that not everyone in the North is working class. Southern scientists always assumed that anyone from ‘up north’ was either living in a kestrel-based drama or working in one of those factories where there is lots of hot liquid metal and sparks. Kent-based researcher Eleanor Shaw said: “I thought they were essentially unlucky people deprived of the opportunity to pronounce words like ‘castle’ or ‘bath’ properly. “Our research revealed some of them have ponies. For riding, not food.” Shaw also confirmed that many Northerners work in professional jobs that most Londoners would consider respectable, and even have fancy houses. Shaw added: “Northerner culture is surprisingly rich and diverse, although some of it we will never understand, such as a pie with kidneys in it. “Kidneys, for Christ’s sake.” Share:
Cooked a roast and not much else today. Manflu seems to be clearing ready for back to work tomorrow, so that’s good
Spent about an hour trying to get the brake lights working on the trailer before realising I was working on the fog lights
My grandkids have been running around the house all day making a hell of a noise. Shouting things like, "We're fucking freezing, let us in grandad"
It's not been a good day for Bob Geldof -
Heard him on radio yesterday saying why he gave it up. And the reposte from the mayor about giving back his knighthood because if the history of the empire
I rank him equivalent to James Corden, Gary Lineker and Bono - The Four Egos - nothing that surgery couldn't resolve