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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Been down to garage to find flat battery on bike - damn
  2. Going to look at a house shortly...moving will be fun.. :sly:
  3. Look at it all positively. Moving may not be fun, but having moved may be great. You might end up living somewhere you hugely prefer.
  4. Well I had to get down and dirty, but by the time I had finished she thanked me for what I had done, say no more.
  5. well done Steve, a gent should never be boastful of his conquests. :wink:

  6. Good news on the hip, sorry to hear the knee isn't so good :-( hopefully next time they x-ray it will have healed enough to avoid the op! Good luck, Chris
  7. Taxed the thumper ready for tomorrows inaugural ride
  8. I've done some washing, been out and started the bike for the first time in about 6 weeks, messed around on here and done some emails for work answering some space cadets from Brazil.

    I would go for a ride but it's sub zero here without taking wind chill into consideration :rolleyes:
  9. 3rd lot of engineering works !!! Now been chucked off train for a so far 25 min wait in sub zero for a bus ... Did I pay to go by poxy bus ? NO!!!!!
  10. British Fail :( :( :(
  11. Decent weights session, large protein shake and now for an afternoon af grunting and groaning...come on you Roses
  12. nearly tempted into buying a vtr 1000 nice and loud good money

    even the wife told me to get it ..........walk away walk away ...........
  13. been to look at a shared house today.. garage all good.... decent living room.. .big bathroom....looking promising...then.. TINY bedroom - probably 8ft square at most.. just because you can fit a double bed in doesn't make it a double room. what a joke, especially for not for £440 per month for one room..
  14. Was going to take the Mille out but was invited to have the chance to sit in the local Mini garage while the wife took this out for a demo, still I got to watch part of the Wales v Ireland game.


  15. So what's the verdict on the new BMW convertible....
  16. Real top-down weather.

  17. Lol...she wants the car which is a positive for me....cos it means I get to go to Aragon and she cant whine about it :wink:
    #3938 JimVee, Feb 2, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2013
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  18. :eek: Bloody expensive trip, enjoy :wink:
  19. She would have bought it anyway, this way I get to Aragon and WDW14 as well :biggrin:
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