I have a Gretsch which i inherited from brother-in-law that died a few years ago. It could do with some restoration work, but I really don't know where to take it to. It would be worth a few bob in first class condition
Ahh but the real joy is in playing it, not the resale value. Now come on and post your ukulele video.
I hear good things about this guy. He can help @El Toro http://www.luthierdirectory.co.uk/peter-barton-guitars/
Shit, the 2018 FA Cup Final has been cancelled https://rochdaleherald.co.uk/2017/12/17/fa-cup-cancelled-due-royal-wedding-scheduling-clash/
Tbf it was Creamy who got annoyed with people calling his 'garage' a shed - even though it is a ship lap shed. People who could have a wooden garage for their bikes and choose brick are nobs, nob
In all other main varieties of English, spelt and spelled both work as the past tense and past participle of spell, at least where spell means to form words letter by letter or (with out) to make clear. And I confirmed it with language master Donald Trumpt....