Very nearly bought a GSXR600K2 as a track toy for a really good price but couldn't be arse to fetch from Nantwich. Will be kicking myself over that one.....
Went to finish off the Christmas shopping this morning. Learnt something new, Fingerlings apparently have nothing to do with the porn industry but are as hard to get as a bit coin. Kids are off School on Wednesday so the last day up town will be tomorrow and my first ex wife I'm convinced, has always had shares in Next.
Decided not for me, wheels wrong, font, few things. And its in Ireland, I cant go and see it. Plus, TBH, I have had some right shit luck with bikes over the last 3 years. So keep multi for now, fit gixer and if I spend some money do it on the other boyhood passion: 911.
Found an older 911, fella at work collects them and gave me some advice and reckon it would be a good buy if as described. Just means i deplete some business contingency, but as it should hold its value (unlike most bikes I'd buy) if needed I could always sell later next year. Missus wont get it...happy to spend on a kitchen that is then non-recoverable in tough times but a car or bike Insurance at £270 isnt too bad either
Tried to chew my toes, it’s really difficult to attempt and if you get there, well done, you definitely need punched in the face.