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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Last time I did it in flimsy office trousers and shoes I was picked off the road by a commuting couple in head to toe leather. I thought of my leathers hanging up at home and realized that they should have been on me.

    I got the message. Just as well as I've fallen off a few times in leathers since without any real pain - sometimes in sweltering heat when the shorts brigade have been out in force. You live and learn. If you're lucky.
  2. Had a baby boy, well technically it was yesterday but I was a bit busy to say
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  3. oh, well done! Thought you were a chap tho. Congratulations anyway!
  4. Congrats! Top news!
  5. PHP:
    It's amazing what medical science can do these days! :tongue:

    The big clue would have been if they had said it was yesterday but they were a bit busy in the pub!
  6. Congratulations on your baby boy

    On Sunday I managed to sit on a bike and conquer my first fear since my accident.
    Luca was up in Hereford so had to say hello to him with a bit of persuading from him my brother and kids I sat on and was shaking like a leaf but I did it
    Now next step to travel up the road
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  7. Trudged around London in a suit and melted
  8. Got shafted financially by every man and his dog:frown:

    God I hate bills.
  9. That's just a normal day figaro
  10. ...... Just finished an icy cold magners
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  11. Slept most of today and now im working a 12 hr night shift, oh joy !! NOT !!! But dont worry the M25 is in good hands......arh that explains it i hear people say
  12. Cheers Jerry, Glid, Anth & Duc... Yes I am bloke
  13. I knew you were 
    Mum wouldn't have time to post she will be lucky to get a hot cup of tea down here at the mo
    Enjoy 
  14. Congrats from me also mate on the new arrival, hope mother and babe are doing well :upyeah:
  15. Well done you.
  16. Thank you Katie 
    It was a big issue for me I can tell you.
  17. I didn't realise you were homeless........BIG ISSUE!......BIG ISSUE!
  18. Lmao yeah been checking out the man/woman caves for a place to stay
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  19. Put on all the gear. As Tony Lambianou says memorably on the Tricky album Product of the Environment: "When you put the suit on, when you put the suit on, you become a different person".
  20. Anyone want to borrow my size 23 clown shoes....I have the dicky bow to match? :biggrin:
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