I've been oiling the oak front door what I made. It's drying. Some other stuff to weather proof it to come.
Yeah, but you try finding it if that bush is too thick ! What about all the scratches on your arms trying to get in there too ? Downright dangerous if you ask me...Lol...
A true gentleman should never advise on landscaping techniques in a ladies garden. You guys have had a close shave with your comments. Double entendres, don`t cha just love `em :biggrin:
Phillistine You can`t just start hacking away in a ladies garden, a delicate touch is what is required. Now, I`m no expert in topiary, but I did once read a book about it, so................... :wink: :biggrin:.
Getting back on thread, I have spent the day doing day one of my HGV driver training, my left arm and leg ache from changing gear all day, it was a joy to get out on the bike this evening to go swimming with the family. Hubby was just glad for an excuse to go out on the bikes.
You lot!! Lol! I laid slate tonight thats clean and nothing rude can be said of that Well done Katie !! Now back to selling all my worldly goods . vehicles pfft I should have brought a shire horse!!