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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Today I cancelled (postponed)the company xmas doo.
    • Like Like x 2
  2. Bah humbug
  3. 3650B94B-B70A-4602-8AA1-6A266B0EC85C.jpeg 1137D7AC-85F9-46E9-A331-BF63416EDE34.jpeg FDDBF6E8-338D-4132-BDA0-360D6772CD44.jpeg Been up to the NEC - not overly excited but
    V4R very pretty Tommy Bridewell and Steve Plater we’re entertaining and couple of bottles of beer and a few faces haven’t seen for a while so nice evening really
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Was the new Diavel interesting/popular?
  5. To be honest not my bag so didn’t look for me really but lots of folks round the corse and the R mainly -
  6. I thought the diavel looked quite nice there. Maybe I’m just getting old
  7. Didn’t mean it was bad - just main area of focus seemed to be R and the V4 Corse
    • Like Like x 1
  8. I’ve put a deposit on one which is refundable if I don’t want to go through with the deal, and at the weekend when I went in the garage and saw my Panigale I had a bit of a “wobble”.

    But a friend of mine, who has also ordered one, went today and reckoned it looks gorgeous and it was attracting attention.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Wish I had taken the pics for you - sorry didn’t take any
  10. Happy Birthday Road trip.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. No worries fella. I just thought I’d ask and see if I could get an unbiased opinion.
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  12. A day late but I was looking after the grand kids yesterday lunchtime to allow mum and dad to have some "them time".

    Grand daughter is 7 and grandson is 4, I have on occasion mentioned to my daughter and son in law that their fluent fruity language will get picked up by the kids and they know I am not a fan of swearing let alone in front of kids.

    So when grand kids started arguing over a toy, the 7 year old said to her 4 year old brother...stop being a little prick...it was at that exact moment she knew my eyes and stern face were upon her so she thought quickly and tried to extend it to..little prick....sterrrrrrr. She knew she was in trouble :D.
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Well
    I honestly thought it looked bloody good!
    Not for me but still proper cool looking.
    The Ducati stall always has loads of people sitting on the panigales and missing all the other models
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  14. I’ll take one out for a day when the demo is delivered, and I’ll decide then.
  15. Yesterday. Tip run and dumped all the old multi stuff no one wanted for free on here!! Standard cans, cover, scuffed bodywork, seat inserts, rear subframe carrier: all perfectly usable. #cantevengivestuffawayonhere
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  16. FairPlay you can’t ask fairer than that
  17. You should have put a price on it. Somebody would have paid for it.
  18. To be honest the dealer has said that they’ve no problem if I do cancel as they’ll just put it into stock and sell it from stock.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. What price are they? If you don’t mind me asking
  20. Happy Birthday :):upyeah:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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