Just checked my bank account and found my heating allowance and Christmas bonus has been paid in, now the wife wants the heating switched on. . Steve
Having spent many years fitting kitchens and regularly coming up against seized stop taps and hot water valves seized, I now annually go around my own home and turn all the valves, radiator, water hot and cold, heating pump and main stop tap, a spray of easing oil and wind them in and out a few times seems to keep them free. Steve
Today I have removed the front and rear 18 inch FPS wheels from my Guzzi LeMans and taken off the Avon tyres. Wheels now ready to be taken to the power-coaters to be stripped and refinished in a suitable shade of silver. In 1980, Ducati wheels were gold, Guzzis silver. Checked the cast iron Brembo brake discs, which luckily are OK and have plenty of meat on them. I have new wheel bearings ready to go in when the time comes.
Started to install the mounting/backing plates for PIR motion detectors and an FL alarm box in the garage. Got to get my head around the instructions to connect the various elements of the system to each other but I’ll do that tomorrow. Andy
That's the spirit, a work mate of mine always said, never do today what can be left until tomorrow. Steve
Harsh. I’ve put up backing plates for 2 PIRs which were easy as they are only 6’ off the ground but I had to get up a ladder to attach the mounting plate for the bell. No-one to foot my ladder for my safety so got to put precautions in place. It’s also not the only thing I’ve been doing today, got plenty of stuff to keep me occupied I have. Andy
Always the chance you take I spose. It’s Just one of them things. I mustn’t haven’t got it hot enough when I road tested it? Never mind. I will rebuild it over Xmas I reckon
No idea what that is or where it could have come from but mate, you seriously need to moisturise that hand Andy
Nice to know you care Andy. Can’t be doing with moisturiser cos next I will be dying my hair blonde baking cakes and generally checking to See if my new vagina has grown Yet. Lol