Never did drugs, too busy spending my money on houses, bikes and cars...... Have I missed out? Hated the ones the NHS filled me with... yuck. If I've got money when I retire I might try them then.
Dude everything is a drug. Getting a like on this forum is a drug. Some just take different roads, some buy bikes, some drink, some take drugs, some buy watches, some buy a Porsche, they are just hairdressers though, then it's to the jets and bits, It's all related to the drug. We should all accept that. More money, more expensive drug. I just want to be a hippy and fanny around.
Now, having your nails done, it's the same thing!
I’m not steady handed enough and I’m ok right handed but the left hand isn’t as good so..... someone else does a better job I loved detailing cars/bikes though
I asked the wife what she wanted for Xmas this morning and she told me - "a 42 inch Phillips". Where the fuck am I going to get a screwdriver that big?
WARNING! There's a link going around which says "Click to download the latest Cliff Richard Christmas track" Whatever you do don't click on it, - it's actually a link to download the latest Cliff Richard Christmas track.
I was arrested yesterday for shoplifting in ASDA The Police Officer said, "You are being charged with stealing two bottles of wine" I said, "You can't charge me for stealing two bottles"... Officer, "Why not"? "It was buy one get one free"
Just checked my bank account to find HMRC have credited it with a £72 tax rebate. Thank you very much Andy
Seriously, you know what I mean. Never felt the rush of the Opiates..... the out of your skull on MDMA.... Had some very strange mushrooms in a New York restaurant once.... I think the chef added his stash to our meal..... the taxi door melted and we got back to the hotel in 2 seconds... Mrs felt the same.... very Matrix like.
Met dad this morning and caught a break. Today, no picking of his nose, no pulling his nose hair out or his ear hair, no testing every version of a burp whilst I was eating my breakfast. Instead whilst eating my breakfast, he scratches his head then says to me, look at this scab I just picked off, it's got hair in it! I am convinced he does all these things when I am eating on purpose, so my new years resolution is to build a garage in memory of dad, who will be buried in the concrete slab the shed will rest on.
Delivered a coffin from Hackney to Darlington, one of my more unusual jobs must admit, basically an undertaker purchasing off another undertaker.