Started my Xmas break, longest ever, with a beer before 5pm and a decision to have laughs and fun until Jan. Peace out. Marry Christmas
Finished the electrics, the exterior boarding and the alarm. Just got another day on the internal boarding to finish it off then soffit, faschia and A.C. after the Chrismas break.
You are FB? You can link to it. Or upload to yt channel, or if you know someone who has (many have) Dropbox a copy to them and they can host
Good more peak power but throttle bodies were out and additional fueling at the bottom end...probably the slightly more open exhaust ports...feels punchier up to and around 4k
Yeah - ive uploaded a few to you tube....theres already one on there of the hyper getting some...just wondered if you could upload directly....would be nice if you could...
Sold my share in a racehorse, certified VIN of a 748R, Checked bike clear of finance, talked to an expert on this forum about a few issues with the 748R, got quotes for transportation, got insurance covernote, contacted mechanic for pre-purchase inspection, seller removed bike from marketplace at his own initiative (bike is his father's who can't ride anymore). Aside from that, not much.
My youngest son started to slip badly at school, with GCSE looming, i said get good results and off we go skiing. The bugger got mainly As so booked a lovely skiing holiday to Val Thorens today...ouch!!!!
I came off with a "not really putting much thought into it...." finanical sliding scale for results....cost me 750 quid...
This evening we’ve been measuring the big lumps of furniture around the house so SWMBO can play at positioning it in our new house. At least it keeps her quiet
I was standing in the local pub last night, when a bloke approached me. He said, "Excuse me, - are you looking at my wife?" "I certainly am," I smiled. "She's got a fantastic arse." "You wanna smack?" he said I said, "Yeah go on then, will she not mind?"
A busy afternoon, we’ll done. It wasn’t so hard to unload the racehorse after all. At least the one you’re replacing it with will be cheaper to run
Washed the car. God it’s a chore. Picked up a present; bought some fastballs for the birds and watched the tits at play Now for a mince pie and a bit of TV
Knee results through Escaped the knife, No surgery needed, just issues that can be worked on. Happy bunny
Just spent 4 hours at the builders site speccing up carpets, floor coverings, wardrobes etc, and measuring up every room for where we will be putting furniture etc when we move. Seems like we are going to have to lose a bookcase and order a new bed. SWMBO is already planning visits to the January sales Tomorrow we will be going to another of the builders sites in Cheshire to view/spec up an orangery we want to build as soon as we can when we’ve moved.