Nope, you must be the couple of arses as you are following us, oh hang on, yes we are but not all the time
Got the muck shifted today and the ground roughly levelled with type 1. 28 sleepers arriving tomorrow. Started the ramp to the workshop this evening but ran out of steam after a long hard day.
Renewed my driver's license and passed the eye exam without glasses! Good for another 4 years. Went to the doctor to have some hip pain checked out. I had already resigned myself into thinking I'm getting old and arthritic. Turns out it's only bursitis and stretching should help considerably. Makes sense since this winter has been ho hum and I haven't been very active. Hoping for more snow...lots!! Would be nice to get the sleds out more than once this season. The snowshoes and cross country skis could use a little dusting off too. Ended the day at my husband's office to discuss dimensions and design of an office table to go with new stools we ordered. More errands to run tomorrow.
Felt a tinge of sadness as my Panigale was put up for sale and was promoted on the Internet by the dealer. Spoke with my solicitor ref the house purchase contract. He’s reviewing it again seeing we have some concerns about it being a standard “catch all” document. Very sloppy by the builders and their lawyers.
I honestly can’t believe how unorganised the process is in England and Wales. I’m sure it’s never been as bad as this before. The Scottish system is way better organised and legally binding/protected.
Hurrah hope it all gets sorted - we would have been totally fucked if we hadn’t got a decent solicitor on our house purchase - bloody nightmare and the you have to pay them Though about buying this yesterday but I think I might have to follow my head this time - plus I’m never going to be able to afford the new 1000RR
Had a busy morning already, one of the central heating radiators wasn't working so I started off by removing it and cleaning it out, a lot of black came out but nothing that could be causing a blockage, while it was off I slowly undid the valves and found I had no water coming out of the thermostatic valve, so I now decide to drain the system and fit a new valve, silly me didn't check the valve just presumed it was stuck closed, anyway refilled the system and checked again and no water coming from the new valve, next job how do I clear a blockage in the system, I knew it couldn't be far from the valve as the pipe was quite warm, I concocted a connection to the valve with a hose going outside and tried blowing with no luck so now to the big guns, I got the compressor out and fitted a tire valve in the end of the hosepipe and gave it a good blast and success, a load of black sludge so I let it run a while until it cleared, topped the system up with Fernox additive and she seems to be running nice and freely now that the rads have been bled. Now what can i find to do for the rest of the day. Steve