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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Left home at 5am and driven to meet an Austrian colleague at Bristol Temple Meads (where I'm posting from now).

    Then we are off to Longleat for a meeting.

    After that I'm taking him to Heathrow airport then driving home.

    It's gonna be a long day!
  2. Got promoted this morning so going to do the sensible thing and go to the mess on an all day session. The joys of rank!
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  3. Very sad, I have read and enjoyed many of his books.
  4. Congratulations. Hope you enjoy shouldering extra responsibilities.
  5. Pete, I cannot wait for someone to announce here on the forums the Start of World Peace and the End of Famine & Disease.

    I just want to see your response and how you hint at the major drawbacks of Paradise on Earth :biggrin:
  6. arrived in Dubai at 0200hrs local time, meetings all day, now in Ducati Cafe Dubai Mall....fly back to UK 0300hrs local time...

    did watch Django on the flight in and it is a top movie....
  7. Resisting buying another bike... :eek:
  8. Pics or it didn't happen!
  9. After a year and a half, maybe 2 years, stationary, outside with the help of a new battery my 748 bip started at the first time of asking!

    Newly single the bike now lives in the lounge, ram the cream carpet, I've got Italian art to show off!
  10. I still have tonsillitis. Pissing me off now:mad:
  11. Removing basmati rice from an ST4S airbox & fitting a new filter.
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  12. Took ST4s for MOT. Passed.
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  13. My SS started after a year and half standing first time almost
    These Ducati aren't as bad as everyone says :-D
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  14. Today l'ave mostly bin welding and polishing 2013-04-04 13.14.06.jpg

    2013-04-04 13.14.06.jpg
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  15. Ooooh shiny!

    Polished my exhaust up whilst I was tinkering with the bike, no where near as good as that, its hard work!

    Looked into electroplating it then realised that I'd not even got the bike started and I was already spending money in my mind on shiny stuff!
  16. just bought a sony hdr as15 wifi 1080 bike cam for the coming trackdays and TT.
    have yet to settle on a new trackbike. my 999 is going nowhere near. maybe another gsxr1000k6...nust loved my old road bike..
  17. Lucky, l have a 1hp buffer called brutus!
    named by a nearly nine fingered friend LOL
    regards Steve B
  18. Lol ... Yup my wedding night except husband was pissed , obnoxious and no sex ...
    I had actually wondered if turning up was a good idea ....
    Always trust your instinct

    It lasted 2.5 years ... Of which all of it was crap ..
    Explains why I've never got married again:) and love me love my bikes ...
    Or take a walk :)
    2nd anni will be the same get used to it :) lol .... Look at it this way you have another 364 days for the other stuff :)
  19. Today I had to take my son to the hairdressers / Barbers
    We have a wonderful Italian family one here .
    Hmm so .. Normal you say ..
    Except :(
    My son has never cut his hair since a baby except a trim.
    He liked having long hair.
    I had no issue with it and everyone knew him with it ..
    Until this utter scroat of a kid at his primary school started tormenting him.
    I said to him look no matter what you do that boy will pick on something so if its because of him don't do it.

    The kid in question is a right spoilt brat , lies constantly and always in trouble .

    Anyway nope he wanted to do it .. And as a parent I couldn't say no looking like I do !!!
    Most parents would say no you can't grow your hair long cut it!!!
    I'm like oh no don't cut it off :(
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  20. IMHO he looks much better, good on him :upyeah:
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