Cut his grass for him when you are selling. I cut the grass for my new neighbour last week. I fear they are not even the most basic of garden maintenance types.
Quite a milestone, I had mine in January. Surely you could have bought her a bigger cake for this momentous occasion though.
I will doas i've already paid another neighbour to cut it for a tenner the first time out when i arrived on site because he 'd a lawnmower fired up & ready for attack time,so it made sense .........Neighbours
Well it turned out to be a weather day in the end,so no bikes out today,but lots of grass cut with the tractor and some strimming,so not a bad day afterall ......some bits for Ducbird
Id just like to say that....ironically my daughter now 18 and taking her Chemistry A level confirms the chemistry is right...
Grandaughter is over for a stay over to give mum and dad a rest night. She has the remote, I am suffering "the voice kids" after watching 2 hours of "what a girl wants". I'm in hell
Got up at 6am to take my youngest to Leeds university open day, I left school at 16, so never been to a Uni before, I must say I loved it.