Went to work on the R today - work was shit but had fun on way home 45min journey took 26 mins and a love this fecking bike grin while blatting past 6 cars in one go
Sat having dinner with the 16 people I was with at Folembray today. Nearly 40C air temperature in the afternoon made stringing lots of laps together a challenge but what an awesome day, a magic little track. Andy
Beekeeping experience day - birthday present from my daughter. Was actually great fun and nice to spend the day outside rather than stuck in the office - good lunch as well
Busy day for me It started with reiki then I went to meet a local lady who has Myeloma and starting her first lot of chemo we hit it off and I sat with her and her daughter while she had her chemo injection and collected her tablets. Then I had my own app where my bloods are still stable then another 2 hour wait for my Zometa 6hrs in total Took three attempts to find a vein Called at my friends on way home to try some bits with my daughter that she may have been able to borrow as she is off to the French alps for a week on a geography assignment I’m now waiting for her to get to my car while she comes back from tea out with her mates I had an hour in the garden to myself beforehand
Started shining up the 860... More polishing while I wait for DVLA to get their finger out (hoping this is a bit less traumatic than the MHR)...
Just taxed Elsie. I never used her last year but we're playing out tomorrow. Not sure where though. Somewhere twisty.
To help choose a special holiday to celebrate our forthcoming wedding anniversary I got a map of the world, gave SWMBO a dart, and said we'd go wherever the dart lands! I'm happy to announce in August we're going to spend a lovely 2 weeks by the fucking skirting board!