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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I knew it wasn't a rabbit hutch really........
  2. In all honesty I'd rather talk about the lesbians.
  3. Sat thru a university presentation ahead of my sons choices this year...got to laugh at some of their expectations. Its like they are doing the students a favour...
  4. I'm so busted

    Need new binoculars though
  5. Its really great thanks mate - I'm loving living down here, and enjoying getting to know it. The roads are in a truly shocking state, but that's not just Devon. The Black Cat road is a real cracker isn't it :upyeah:

    How's things going for you?
  6. I've been to Aldershot and back.
  7. Lucky you, you get to go to all the nearest places
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  8. Being sent to Aldershot is not what I'd describe as lucky:eek:
  9. Especially not from here. It was a 467 mile round trip with a three hour meeting chucked in for fun. :rolleyes:
  10. I was booked to go to Aldershot today as well!
    Wiggled out of it...:biggrin:
  11. Good job you were up bright and early for it, then. :wink:
  12. Telescope with tripod - "you need hands..." (Max Bygraves stylee)
  13. Have you thought of changing your name to Unluckymarine?
  14. Most definitely.

    But then if I were unlucky I'd have been thrown off the thing by now, every cloud and all that....

    Bit of pondering last night and decided to do a full strip-down rebuild. Just as the weather is getting better, balls.
  15. Unluckymarine

    What about starting to look for a replacement engine, and If you get one put that in, then you will get some action this summer, maybe rebuild you knackered engine at your leisure!
  16. Good idea, but then you never really know what you're going to get. A professionally refurbished engine costs an arm and a leg, someone just selling off the engine they have in a shed or from a wreck might be cheap but I'd want to strip it down and make sure everything was fine before using it.

    Just about to wheel the bike into the kitchen and start work on it. To add insult to injury my vblogging equipment just got delivered...

    Oh the irony!
  17. Today I took my MH900 into Pro Twins to have an Oberon clutch slave cylinder fitted.While I was there Peter adjusted the angle of the clutch and brake levers to make it easier for me.Super job and much better action on the clutch lever.
    However I think my days of riding the bike might be coming to an end as the riding position is taking its toll on my neck and shoulders.
    I have a sensible Streetfighter to ride which is much easier on me,so it's possible I will get rid of the MH,it will be quite a wrench but I don't want it as a show piece,it has to be used.
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  18. Hang on to it until I can afford it.

    It won't be next month though...
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  19. Not really. Clearly you are supposed to start vblogging the strip down and rebuild.
    We're expecting you to do that now.
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  20. Negotiated bike insurance
    Don't ask......

    It's sunny out think I'm going to enjoy it
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