Left the house at 04.15 to drive into London, some of the worst weather I’ve driven in, non stop all the way, fecking horrible!!
That came around quick. Be prepared for the possibility of a little self doubt (have I done the right thing, will I be bored, should I get a small job etc). Take your time and settle into it. It is one of the few time in life where time us on your side so you can afford to make the right decisions. Hope they are giving you a good send off do.
Returned the concrete breaker back to the hire shop this morning at 7am but i've decided not to hire a cement mixer today as the rain has stopped play.
My uncle was dead within a month of retiring cos my aunt did his fucking head in wanting him to put shelves up and diy.
That’s the ticket as if they smell a bit of blood in the water your screwed and that day you’d set aside to go ride your bike becomes a day spent with wood glue on your fingers and flat pack furniture lol