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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Evil!

    Thou doest insult the Prophet!
  2. Fitted new can, well to me, and link pipe to the 1150RT as it failed its Mot due to a blowing exhaust. Went on great bar the exhaust hanger lining up though its supposed to fit straight on. Used an old bracket i had lying around to finish it until i can get something more substantial made up. Means the Multi is getting used everyday and racking up 500 miles a week and its now started to make some sort of strange ringing noise.
  3. Mate, all you need is a couple of spoons and some time, it's only a wheelbarrow. Then spend a few bob on a 'greentyre', they're solid and can't punture.
  4. good day today, went to plymouth bike night with my wife on the back( first time in 6 years), quite a few ducatis down there, 5 panis, 999s,600ss, 5 monsters and a multi,and a yellow 748, popped off down the barbican after for something to eat and there was a very nice 916 senna, good night!

    hoe 001.jpg

    hoe 002.jpg
  5. I came home from work with the intention of going for a blat for a couple of hours.

    Started to put my leathers on and then had a ten minute coughing fest. I gave up and have laid on the sofa ever since feeling rubbish still.

    Damn you man flu :mad:
  6. Done my bollocks on the stationary bike, literally! Cor that was hard.
  7. ayyyaaaaaaazzzzz!
  8. I've been for a blat, and it was a good'un:upyeah:

    Overtook a Diavel on the M25,J10 at around 6pm, anyone here?

    Spent an hour on dry, warm roads for the first time in what seems like years. It was beautiful, man. And in a twist of fate I may have sold the Griso to a bloke I took to court not six months ago. Amazing what a pint can do to repair relationships...
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  9. Nice one fella. Then you can flog the fugly and get a nice bike :upyeah:
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  10. Stuck some more 3m clear sheet on tank to protect from scuffing! Found this was with in my abilities last week so thought I would hone said skill further lol. Will be checking tyre pressure with aplomb soon no doubt:wink::upyeah:
  11. Can't flog the fugly, it's too fkin unreliable:mad:

    It's the Griso I'm selling. Pissing me right off it is, the Guzzi was the bike I was gonna keep forever, I bought the fugly just to clean it and sell on. But I've had it 18 months and the sodding thing has got under my skin, and I'm having to sell my dream bike to fund the habit...
  12. So will you get another bike then Fig?
  13. Yep, and I'm not fussed what it is. For the last few years I've been buying scruffy bikes to do up for a bit of profit, so I'll carry on doing that. A decade or more ago I got a 2 grand loan for a ZXR and now I've got 2 decent bikes that owe me nothing. I'll never end up with 2 italian bikes again though...
  14. Nice pair you got there, Mr Cornwall.
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  15. He says that to all the girls :wink:
  16. Only the purdy ones :tongue:
  17. You off somewhere
  18. When the bloke pays you a bundle of banknotes, you'd better handle them with rubber gloves. Just in case.
  19. Been for an interview this morning which is interesting and has potential and is home based for a good part of the time, so now we'll wait and see. So now I'm off to Baines Racing for some service parts.
  20. Productive morning of actions, minutes & admin. Sarnie and more work with GP practice on in background. Work and play, who'd have thought?!
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