@bradders - maybe its time to use your BUPA and ring and see a consultant privately.... speed things along...
Awaiting collection of my company car as left work and they gave me the car for 3 months. Also awaiting 2 Amazon prime deliveries, the things we look forward to these days. Will get out on the bike after car goes.
Get some electrolytes such as Dioralyte. Normally at your exiting worst, one in the morning and one in the evening, they will help, as will plenty of water to flush things through. Campy is normally 3-5 days
I designed our bathroom's. You can sit and turn left, right or straight ahead into a bath... .... during a bout of household wide Nora virus these passed their sea trials.....
I’m no doctor, but I’m guessing it’s probably a bad bout of housemaids knee. You’ll want to watch yourself now you’re all retired and such.
I’ve no idea what the flip is going on!! Although I have a sneaking suspicion our brave leader, @Davebird is on to it.
Oh I can pm who ever I like! It’s others that have a problem! ( reading that back I sound like a proper bitch!)
Sorry, no idea why that happened. .. posted once then went to read the 12th Dec poll thread.... does Fin really have five accounts on here?