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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I knew there must be upsides in your new profession!
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  2. seriously steve?? even i remember you...i can still picture you now, square jawed, rippling torso, pawing through the waves on your surf board in that Old Spice advert...whats whitham doing with the Doc Jonhson vibrator in his clammy fist??
  3. Can you have a transplant Al?
  4. What? Hair or Lungs?...............Well, not much hope of either at 88 really.:eek:
  5. Your not 88 Al you didn't look that old when I met you

    Lungs .....
    You look ok with no hair so don't worry about that :)
  6. You smooth talking b*gger...........flattery will get you everywhere..........I thought you were 21.

    But when you are over 50, you will be lucky to get a tooth implant on the NHS let alone the odd pair of lungs they have hanging around in a box.

    The way I look at it, is that the tests must be based on computer modelling, otherwise which 90 year old did they compare my lungs to?............and what I think of computer modelling...IE global warming....

    #5906 Ghost Rider, May 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2013
  7. Al - bollocks to them, just keep riding, building and giving some knowledge back, and before you know it you'll be an auld fart (well, maybe in another ten years or so).

    good luck fella.
  8. I have to do those tests every year, they're a bit of a pain, but a lot of it is down to technique! As an asthmatic smoker, with mild COPD I should look really crap in those tests but I still manage to beat the nurse every time!
  9. Just came up off the beach in sunny Kos. I can't take much more sun so it's a good job I'm home to Wales tomorrow.
  10. I didn't beat the nurse.......I didn't even beat the f-ing plants in her surgery room........

    ....bad day today too.......weather change again just brings on the asthma.
  11. went home at lunch time for my fish finger sandwich - only to find the cat had pooped on my Kreiga luggage

    Oh well its in the washing machine now
  12. I'm not an expert on cats,are you supposed to clean them in a washing machine.:wink:
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  13. Bit of a panic first thing this morning as Mrs Mervyn had lost her wedding ring in the garden.She was weeding and planting up yesterday and reckoned it came off when she took her glove off.Great luck,she found it.I was just off to buy a metal detector.
    Hope it's not a bad omen for our 30th Anniversary next week.Think I have everything catered for this time:upyeah:
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  14. Tell me about it. Breathing just gradually gets worse and worse.
  15. Could have been worse. It could have eaten your fish fingers too.
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  16. Thats AMAZING!!
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  17. Played rugby all day in a 7's competition. Why do I keep putting myself through all this pain?

  18. Ahh not good:-( my asthma is worse in cold weather, hence my desire to retire somewhere warm when the time comes!
  19. In my case I reckon that will be a little Spanish town called Cremation......
  20. Had a rant via e-mail to the local councillor because the Eastern bloc bin men refused to empty my recycling bin because it had a piece of wood in it!! The offending item was : A) made of wood which is recyclable and B) no bigger than an egg box which I used to photograph it adjacent to in order to give said councillor some perspective to the churlish attitude of the council that he/she serves.

    I satisfy myself that having made it a formal complaint requiring a reply, said councillor will have to use up some of his/her valuable golf/coffee morning time to respond in the full expectation that I will be given a politician-speak 'fuck off':rolleyes:

    I did ask the council operative into which lane or hedge they recommend I dump the contents of the bin in lieu of collection as per all the local pikeys with their transit tipper-loads, but they failed to see the irony. They then drove off leaving the usual trail of detritus in the street having failed to get the full contents of the local bins into their big truck.
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