So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I was passing through.
    Doing a circuit from Swindon, Avebury, Hungerford, Aldbourne then back to Swinetown...Same as, nodding like the blinkin Churchill dog!
    #601 Nelson, Jul 22, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2012
  2. That's a nice run Nelson especially when the weather was like today. I really like Avebury, there's that pub on that bend and there's always a bike meet there nearly every time I pass by.
  3. The B4192 is one of my favourite roads, and there's a little thatched cottage just through Aldbourne that I'd love to retire in. Dangerous road, though; you need a fast bike to make it interesting, and then you'd make a big hole in the hedges if you got it wrong...
  4. Had two days of bike riding & BBQ with my better half - who didnt bother with any sunscreen and is now bright red & brown like my carby! :eek::biggrin::biggrin:
  5. It's a lovely place Avebury I guess you walked around the stones.
    Have stopped for a drink enroute at said pub was full of bikes
    Great roads around there too
  6. Can be tricky - very rural around there plus some scary hidden dips, so an overtaking car can appear like a back to the future hover car if yr not looking..!!! :eek:
  7. Usually a few bikes stopped at the Red Lion, used to be a brilliant bike night there until the fun police killed it off...:rolleyes:
  8. Took the fuglystrada into London this morning. I was aiming for Greenwich to drop off my Triumph's shock absorber for modification but I had neglected to check their opening times...:rolleyes: Ah well, it gave me an excuse to blast through the Blackwall tunnel and play with the traffic in central London, just like the old days. Actually the fuglystrada enjoyed it; I thought it would be a recalcitrant pig in traffic, but it was fine, just like my old ST2.

    Then top speed tested it down the A3 to Ripley to watch the olympic cycling, followed by a cold pint in my favourite boozer. Good day, then.:upyeah:
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  9. Wot did I do today?.....I took 25mm out of my seat today, that's wot I did.

    I now have tiny specks of 'white' seat foam all over the place.

  10. I'd lay off the curries if I were you...
  11. It was the..........salmon mousse.

    ...sorry, angle grinder.
  12. This evening I started building up my new custom spec' Santa Cruz Chameleon :)

  13. Is it easy to do Al ?
    I was told get a electric kitchen carving knife... Seeing as I am not allowed real scissors ...
  14. In the living room.....I like your style :upyeah:
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  15. I was going out but it's been cancelled :(
    Tomorrow I'm going for a spin gotta practise and get my nerves back .
  16. my misses moved out in March so I don't have so many 'imposed restrictions' these days :wink:
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  17. I have that T'shirt like you my whole house is my man cave and I've grown to like it like that:upyeah:
  18. I have a manly woman cave called a house ... I must post a picture ..
    I keep my best monster parts in my bedroom ..... I have to move another tank in soon ..
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  19. The new Avatar is looking good by the's like musical hair colour with you.:wink:

    Hmmm monster parts in your bedroom.....easy tiger!:eek:
  20. Had a brief ride on an 848 streetfighter and hated it. Did a bit more on an 848 evo and liked smooth roundabouts on it.( defo needs a short action throttle as well)
    got back on my 749 and felt so looong for the first 5 mins and then got back in the groove and remembered why I like it so much.
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