Just spent 3 hours taking the alternator off supercharged V8 Daimler as it was kicking out 18.3V at tick over. Nightmare job involving removal of cooling hoses and fans, airfilter housing, supercharger belt and tensioner, serpentine belt and tensioner and other assorted bits and pieces. Found knackered bearings in three of the pullies as well so looks like it's turning into a money pit as well as more than a few hours to put it all back together again.
Went over to the east anglia today to see my uncle and took the gt3 with me. Lovely day today and funny scaring the shit out of him, off to the pub now
Great mate. It’s a deal. Straight swap. The Shitron’s going home, going home, the Shitron’s going home.
My Sunday, guess my after christmas answer to the question of when are you starting your diet is now void lol