Been to the dentist this morning for check up My lady dentist has left and gone back home Got a new one and he made me feel confident in my treatment He understands stem cell rejuvenation how it works in people who have had a transplant how it affects me and how biosophonates (Zometa in my case) can cause complications in the jaw I’m medium risk and will be monitored regularly for any changes I’m happy
We have a lady at work who is vegan and we have a coffee machine to clean She doesn’t like touching milk anything but moved it to clean it Actually I cleaned it As I was filling the clean milk container talking to her I changed hands to take off the next bottle top the milk still emptying into the container it starting splashing out at her... while I was mortified and moved I ended up tipping more milk on her Her face was of horror OMG I felt so awful I was making it worse
I was being cheeky asking about eating meat and drinking man milk. apologies for my innuendo blinkin vegans
@Expat Jack Funnily enough i come in from the A22 end, down past the smugglers boozer and along to Normans Bay,i've never stopped there once but my mother has mant times & given it a thumbs up & now you too,so two good recommendations.
This morning a guy sat next to me on the train to Leeds and we got chatting. After around ten minutes he pulled out a photo of a woman and said to me, "This is my wife -she’s beautiful, isn’t she?" I said, "If you think she’s beautiful, you should see my girlfriend mate." He said, "Why? Is she a stunner too?" "No, she’s an optician"