That's not good and I have no good advice My Dad was a Chippy at the Beeb. He used to make scenery (like Dr Who's telephone box) but that was at the Wood Lane TV Centre that is not a million miles from you. Trouble is: I think that they now make FA!
I doubt if I would be faster than you! I have done that route before On a Ducati I've done miles further in a day!!!
been trying to get in at the studios for years.. closed shop... i had one in about 9 years back? went to a party where i met a mate of a mate that runs a crew of plasterers at pinewood?, he liked me and said he'd give me a start when he could.. few weeks later my phone rings but im driving so didnt answer it. i call the number back 45 mins later and its ya man... he'd given the job to someone else in that time... aliens vs predator was the movie.. i would have only been a labourer pretty much but 200 in the hand a day and alot of perks... the kid that got the job is still on the crew and making alot more than that now...... the fickle hand of fate eh?
Just passed my HGV test. It`s on site only so don`t worry, the general public, and all youse feckers, are in no immediate danger.
I had to move the black pig (Suzuki) to my new house so I took the long way round through the next village and had a really enjoyable blast. Not too cold but just got back in time because it's raining now.
Ooh sir, suits you sir! Even a little El-Tel sticker on the front screen. Ooh-sir! And I was pretty happy with selling 4 fence panels I’ve had in garages for ages and two new Metzeler M9RR’s arriving. Someone’s enjoying retirement.