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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Another 5 people made redundant today and sold off the part of the company that was hemorrhaging money

    I am still here though which is good I guess

    I like corned beef hash
  2. I accepted my new job offer today.

    No real opinions on Spam, quite like Corned Beef and Rice with loads of Brown Sauce.
  3. Was a good morning for me.I went out on the SF over to Pro Twins Ducati,about 30mins away,and met a friend of mine who was collecting his 955.Had a toodle down to the motorcyle workshop at Bolney and looked at the old Brit bikes.Had a little blast home for lunch and am now taking it easy in the sun,that lovely warm sun.
    Oh while I was over at Pro Twins I was offered the chance to have a go on their Panigale,think that could be something else to look forward to:smile:
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  4. Fitted this,


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  5. there is of course a town in Uruguay called Fray Bentos, for that corned beef option.....
  6. Today I have been conference calling with Americans, Brazilians, Mexicans and Turks. Not at the same time though. :smile:
  7. cleared the shed out, saw whats there, took it all out of its boxes/stacks/piles, looked at it and put it all back in different boxes/stacks/piles. Strangely i now have more room than i did before and found a few useful bits and pieces, id forgotten i had. Some quite useful tools - lovely little hand axe, impact screwdriver, couple of hammers and shitloads of waxes/polishes/gels/lotions.........
    used some willow branches to make some lovely trellis type arrangements for the climbing roses.
    felt good. peaceful. apart from the sodding seagulls overhead- one of whom i swear is whistling to the tune of ' Im a Barbie girl....'. git.
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  8. popped along to the DOCGB branch meeting in zelah, good night and some nice bikes there and an enjoyable ride
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  9. Bought a load of sharp sand, cement and timber. This weekend, weather permitting, the shed is gonna get it. Big time.
  10. Today, despite being on here, I've been on and off calls trying to negotiate the finer commercial details of a project. When one barrier is knocked down, another seems to be put in it's place. :rolleyes:

    I'm going to knock off in about 5 mins cos I'm then off to Cheshire for a wedding do. :smile:

    Tomorrow morning I may be nursing a hangover. :frown:

  11. mind your fingers on that sharp sand.......elastoplast anyone?
  12. I got some blue plasters from yesterday
    Bloody cans
  13. Plus a bit of bike riding time as well.:smile:
  14. Took the new BMW R1200GS for a test ride,fantastic bit of kit,asked the salesman how for one the same spec as the demo,
    he said about 18 grand...
    glad he told that after the test ride!
  15. 7° last week
    27° this.

    No wonder they call it Mother Nature. Stupid bint can't make her bloody mind up.

    Off to see Depeche Mode.
  16. Well that's gone out the window for tomorrow; tomorrow I will be debt collecting with Podgy. I've known Podgy since the year dot, and he's hard as nails, but he was shaking when he asked me to help him tonight. If you don't hear from me tomorrow, please send all donations to The New Inn, Send, Surrey. Much obliged.
  17. everything counts in large amounts.....
  18. Sounds fun, I sell sharp sand and cement.....

    Make sure it don't fall down
  19. We shifted several tons of sharp sand tonight at the athletics club - shower, ibuprofen gel and a cold white Chablis with my recording of the senior TT in order. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1370637873.221030.jpg


  20. Met up with an old client who I've not seen for a few years, great guy (biker so bound to be) and nice and local :)

    Then a bunch of admin, gym for an arm blast session, picked up new rubber and now for the obligatory Sam Miguel in my newly acquired SM glass

    TT on tv now n catch up...shame they aren't showing the senior til tomorrow! I'm away racing
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