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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. It's pretty much a sedate black and pink now :)
    Not those kind of monster parts!!!
    Sigh .... The only excitement in my bedroom is it will soon be graced with an alli tank :)
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  2. No not the carving knife......(or any knife) it will wreck it........it's like trying to cut a new loaf of bread that doesn't have a crust with a spoon.

    I have done a few seats before, but mine wasn't that easy.

    It's fairly easy to get the bulk off and a basic shape with a disc on an angle grinder....makes a mess, though, ......but it is not easy to get it smoothed right down with that tool.....it might be that the disc I used was a bit aggressive (I couldn't be bothered to change it over).

    It then takes work with 100grit paper, but not using it like you would on a piece of wood.......(this next bit will no doubt attract attention)......you need to use very short quick rubbing movements on the hi-spots.

    Once you can't feel any bumps (which means you won't see any bumps) and you are happy with the shape, then you pull the cover back down (PS...don't take it right off in the first place).....getting the glue, staple gun and pulling the cover tight all at the same time is messy and awkward.

    End result is OK though.....but you have to be careful how you alter the shape, because you can cause yourself a*seache sumfing bad when you ride it again....I have done mine to drop it but also to help stop me from sliding back (I've only got a little b*m).

    If you get in a fix......

    #622 Ghost Rider, Jul 28, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2012
  3. My best friend got married yesterday it was a lovely hot day and she is beautiful so only worked 3 hours
    Called into Abingdon today to catch up with some friends as I'm a proud owner of a lovely blue battered Astra which I love
    Great to be mobile again giving me more confidence about the bike almost nearly contemplated taking the SS out but it's not insured
  4. Yup your right........

    I'll need to practice that technique....Tonight I think :eek:
  5. Lmao there's a picture
  6. But unfortunately the work PC won't allow me to upload picture's. :rolleyes:
  7. I stopped when I needed glasses.......
  8. Is carving seats bad for your eyesight? Maybe I'll give it a miss then :wink:
  9. Gives you buck teeth as well......

    Still this might be useful to someone....http://www.diymotorcycleseat.com/modify_3.htm
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  10. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1343509523.867860.jpg
    Any good

  11. I don't know I can't see! :tongue:
  12. Yeah that's from too much rubbing lol
  13. :wink:
  14. Leave it alone it will fall off
  15. That happened to me on my YZ 250 when I was a kid......It's a bit of a p*sser when your seat falls off and everyone FK's off n leaves you. :frown:
  16. I can imagine not fun at all :-D
  17. Not to mention the imprints the frame leaves in your spuds :eek:
  18. If that's happening, you aren't wearing your specs in the right place.......
  19. Oh gawd !!! Lol spitting her tea out!!!
    Just be careful of friction burns and white foamy stuff getting all over the curtains!!! Its hell to clear up!
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