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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. What a day! at the end of which I will be asking myself yet again why do I employ people. Have an employee who has been with my company for 16 months who has refused to work from home on 2 occasions even though his job description clearly defines this in his role and responsibilities. I have tried to accommodate by saying he can travel but I require him to be on site for 8 hrs and his travel will be paid at flat rate. He still refused. I told his line manager to request he attended the office this morning to discuss the situation and the best way forward. He turned up to line managers office this morning with hammer in hand (have cctv footage) and was acting in an intimidating fashion. Following this he left the office with a parting comment of you can shove your job and he would see him in court.

    I am now in the process of writing a letter of suspension (full pay) and having to carry out an investigation in to the matter which will lead to a disciplinary hearing. I really dont have the time for this and it does make me wonder why I even bother. The law is stacked against the employer when it comes to these matters. My time will now be taken up by process and procedures together with a cost to the business. Whilst this is going on Im not securing work which ensures my present employees get paid, pay mortgages feed kids and have a decent standard of living.

    Hey ho another shit weekend caused by another's actions, still if it was easy everyone would be doing it.
  2. Been working from home today (not rubbing it in lol ) and admin, contract reviews and conf calls later am starting to wind down for my week off. Plan is pick up van tomorrow, strip and replace fairings for track monday, head to cadwell tuesday, on track weds and thursday, off to anglesey that night for fri and sat and home sun. Not booked anglesey yet, if I family it I'll see if there is space on the day, but mates are so beer and bbq funtime
  3. Surely if employed less than two years then cannot go to tribunal for anything other than a discrimination offence? Or is my memory playing up?
  4. Just sack the slacker....
  5. Sounds like he has sacked himself.
  6. Travelled to London , amongst mway nutters(m4)-took me ma shopping,avoided the fight she started queue jumping-she's 83.... I legged it with the shopping!
  7. Ten hours spent on an ill-fated and unsuccessful network upgrade at one of my customer's offices. The verdict at 6pm - faulty firewall equipment. Bang went my evening blatt.
    A family member was admitted to hospital today.
    The guy running the Qatar secondment told me via email that he may want to interview me for the job but I've had to email him back to tell him that I am male, not female (my name and surname usually get transposed, which I am OK with except when the NHS does it). Hopefully he won't hold this against me.
  8. Awww congratulations to you all
  9. Good sesh in the gym, half hr on the bike flat out and some cross country walking to follow, now with chapped nips that match :eek:
  10. Hi Glid, It stands for "everywhere" which was the motto of the Royal Engineers in which I served 25 years :smile:
  11. Just to confirm.........Royal Artillery (spits) formed from the Royal Engineers :biggrin:
  12. Test rode the 1199 Paniglade S today...

    Feels like a 250cc
    easy to ride fast
    very ccomfortable
    bags of confidence
    loads of feedback

    Gonna have one ..... Awesome Machine

    ...thought the same with my 998r... love technology
  13. With 'quo fas et Gloria ducunt' where right and glory lead. Ubique is on the top of the badge, beneath the crown, the remainder beneath the gun.
  14. Bullshit. The Artillery was formed in 1716 by George I and formally named the royal artillery in 1720, the corps of engineers in 1717.

    we both however come from the board of ordnance formed in the 15th century.
    #6454 abmatt2002, Jun 15, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2013
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  15. He knew that - he just wanted you to get you to spell out the motto.
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  16. Today i sold my GSXR600 track bike, it was sad seeing her go as i had a great time with her but it has now left me with space and cash to start my ST4 radical project :upyeah:

    bring it on!
  17. Concreted the shed floor finally. It's been years since I hand-mixed concrete, now I remember why, bloody back's killing me:frown:
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  18. I think I bit!:mad:
  19. Washed the MTS for the first time and started the Speedtriple which will be on the road again in July. Mot tax and insurance got to be sorted first.
    Just made the bed with the wife, new sheets very welcoming shame she's not ! :eek:
  20. Today I have been to see my olds. Came home utterly shattered so flaked out on the sofa for an hour.

    This evening we've had no2 son and granddaughter (staying for the night) and a friend of my wife's has come for the night too, so we've had a lovely meal and a few wines.

    I'm a tad tiddly now :upyeah:
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