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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. You have to love that quote.

    The Pani is so yesterday.

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  2. Just back from paying speeding fine ,poxy council cash generators and pish headlights lol.Away to thrash the tits out of her up to the green welly for lunch :upyeah:
  3. Just been for a trial session at the gym (last time I went to the gym was about 7 years ago) and surprised myself by managing to run 5k......I wouldnt say I enjoyed it though :biggrin:
  4. You will, Mr Ali T.
    You will.
  5. I'll hold you to that Glidd.....oh yes I will!
  6. To have even more fun (like a lot more fun) try running the 5k outside in the real world.
    I use the gym for the weight machines, and do the cardio outside (was running until my knees died - just crap second-rate knees). Now pool or bicycle.
  7. I understand running in on the road is harder.....I thin I'll try and get a modicum of fitness back before I venture out!
  8. Running in or out is boring as paint drying. But treadmill is much kinder on the knees
  9. ive always resisted running for exactly that reason (boredom not knees)...Id rather play squash or badminton but they're short and sharp rather than endurance stuff.....just got to suck it up now
  10. Running is not boring. God knows there's enough stuff to look at as you trot by.

    When I was fit (a long time ago), I could go for a run and it was like sitting in a train. My legs and body would do their thing, while I rubbernecked into peoples gardens or mused on stuff without even thinking about the running I was doing.

    Now swimming - that is rather boring. There is absolutely nothing to see.
  11. You make a compelling case.......Maybe I just need to get to a level of fitness when I can concentrate on being nosey without thinking about how unfit I am :biggrin:
  12. It will come. Quite quickly if you do it regularly enough (say min 2 times a week, 3 times better). And you will soon get to a stage where you snort at 5 km and feel you haven't been out for a worthwhile jog if you haven't done 8 or 10.

    It's like all exercise: (a) the more you do, the more you want to do, (b)the less you do, the less you want to do.
    The secret is getting started doing it when you don't want to do it, and then keeping up the regularity of the virtuous circle (a) and thus avoiding the vicious circle (b).

    Off to the pool again in 90 mins. Then afterwards, I will feel absolutely superhuman, whereas right now I could easily get into my car and drive straight home when work is over.
  13. Not everyone. Been doing it on and off for years now and still struggle with a slow 5k. We're not all built for jogging...
  14. I'm off to Pilates now

    Took it up a few weeks ago and notice the difference already

    Since I stopped my weekend job with horses the most exercise I was doing was walking the dog

    Miss having an active job
  15. Is that because you are no longer allowed to put them in Findus lasagne?
  16. Well they shipped them to Italy like they do every summer and they never came back :-(
  17. That's worrying.
  18. You should go to a pool that allowes women as well as men then......
  19. Went to the Lincolnshire Bike Night event at East Kirkby to watch the Lancaster run. Never seen so many bike :smile:
  20. True. But most of them aren't lying at the bottom of the pool which is where you spend most of your time looking.


    Not that I want to see them drowned, of course.
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