You mean you're Jason Statham? Reminded me of this
It is a lot of money, most of his work is on film sets and specialist moving, the Hiab is huge, he can load onto a trailer behind the lorry. He has a reputation for strange loads, helicopters to film props, all very valuable. The film and tv world is absolutely dead, I have a few mates who have been out since the lockdown with no idea when they may work again.
Mention to him to contact the local AC companies. ... we use Hiab's to load ac condensers onto crown roofs. It has to be local as those things cost a fortune to move.. we pay £125 per lift/visit upwards. ... Mayfair would be £1000.
Did that 28 years ago now. Highlight for me was the Fastnet races, about as thrilling as race sailing gets but like most things, life (& landlocked Solihull) eventually got in the way. Don’t give it up would be my advice!
Frightening times ahead of us,but who knows what's round the corner,make the most of it while you can.
I’m guessing that’s the sort of lift I’d need to relocate two sandstone gate posts next on my job list. I’d estimate they weigh approximately 2 ton each.
Not sure what the lift capacity load is,but i can ask the chap wednesday when he returns for more fun & games for you if that helps.?
If they pay the rent, how long legally to evict a non paying renter against how long to grow and harvest the crop?
Just watched Andrew Marr spend most of his programme attempting to get Dominic Cummings fired into the ectoplasm........
Nah, just have a handful of private families that I manage from a recruitment, security and logistical point of view.
Many years ago I wanted to run a bailiff company (pay seemed good), but on business that didn't pay. I thought with my back ground I'd be able to sniff out what was valuable to sell etc. Sadly you have to cut yer teeth on collecting goods from single mums who've not paid there TV licenses ..... not my cup of tea. May be they have some Air Conditioning problems?.... well the Albanian would have done.... We can do activated carbon filters and VAM systems for fresh air..... may be I could even look into grow lights ...