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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Just oiled/greased up my chain. It took an hour and looks brand new now, despite me being cack handed usually.

    Then had my evening meal on the deck, overlooking the stream, in the sunshine.

    Its been a nice day all round.
  2. Back from the pool. I seem to have been 11 times so far since May, which is good in my book.
    Mile times are gradually coming down.

    Now the BBQ is warming up for my entrecôte.

  3. Gearing up for the works BBQ at 4 today

    Wow I just cannot wait


  4. Just got back from MR after getting my new rad fitted. Thankyou ducati.Now getting my mess dress ready for my dine out tonight. I feel a hangover may be in the pipeline.
  5. A couple of gin & tonics and everything will seem fine.
  6. So far I have frigged about.:rolleyes:

    This afternoon I need to buckle down. :upyeah:

    This evening I am going on a picnic to Dovestones Resevoir with my grandson :smile:
  7. working in a hotel lobby all morning, on the phone constatly from 0930-1215 with earphones...and now thumpoing headache! Then the 3 hr drive home if I can get away before everyone else travelling south from Birmingham...otherwise be god knows how long!
  8. ...and still on a conf call....contracts are such fun :upyeah: :rolleyes:
  9. Not linked to bbqs, but found your hedgehog ?
  10. Have just put the finishing touches to a small but very tall oak frame extension on a house built in 1630, and has replaced an existing one which was beyond repair, it's been an excellent project.

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  11. Are you sure you read the plans right..?
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  12. Flew back this afternoon from the Algarve after a few days away just chilling. Nice to come back to some decent weather :cool:
  13. My big concern is that no one backs a car into the oak post !
  14. Thanks for the concern!

    I think I may have done. It doesn't sleep in the house I built for it, but a couple of nights ago (dark dusk) I looked out of the kitchen window and there was a hedgehog ambling along next to the hedge. Identification is difficult, but it was about the right size. It then skedaddled into the hedge before I could get a camera (to "prove" to the rescuer that it was still alive and kicking...).

    So was it Sony? (Joke name, because "Sony Hérisson"...) Who knows, but I haven't seen any hedgehogs here apart from him for a couple of months. So I am saying it was and thus I can sleep more happily.

    I put food every day in the hedgehog house. It disappears. This proves nothing, but someone is eating it in the night.
  15. I went for a picnic to Dovestones reservoir tonight with SWMBO, no1 son, daughter in law, and grandson. Had a lovely time until I went back to the car in the car park where I found a ticket on the car window. Not because I'd not paid the parking fee (because I had) but because my wheels were an 1" or 2" over the parking bay lines! :mad: I wouldn't care but there wasn't a car parked next to me eiether when I got there or when I left. Fucking jobs worth :mad:

    However to put a positive slant on the evening, the picnic was lovely, my grandson has had his pot off his leg today and was full of beans and made us laugh all evening, and we found out we're gonna be grandparents again in January :upyeah:
  16. Fight The Man, Tel:mad:

    Lucasz will help if needed...
  17. Just picked up a set of 20" Draco alloys n tyres for the Jag...:upyeah:
  18. It's pronounced Jaaaaaaaaaaaag :wink:
  19. You are Arfur Daly and I claim my soapy tenner:upyeah:
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