As soon as Mrs Mervyn found out I had been to Pro Twins and brought home Monster brochures she could see I was excited.So there is a lot of anticipation going on:smile:
having raided the pyo fruit farm yesterday, I have today made a ton of blackcurrant jam and strawberry jam. My breakfast tea and toast is now sorted for some months.. Just got to find somewhere to store several..... Large pots......
I made so much jam over the years that I'm still eating stuff with 2010 written on it. Seems to keep OK. I think I'll have to start (or rather increase) giving it away. Well, if it makes people happy for the price of a couple of bags of sugar. Pity to waste all that fruit, but there is only so much I can eat.
Worked today. This evening had a very nice family meal ! Daughter no.1 is 20 today and my son returned from a month in Africa on a school trip (world challenge). Family all home and enjoying a beer :smile:
What and keep to 6k revs...k6 faarsaand Hoping to sort the vids put tomorrow but aiming to have the other 400 miles done in next week or so
My bike is in the shop getting the front head cylinder seal replaced, it started to leak oil the other day but it only has 9550 kms on it, should be ready tomorrow, also getting a new water pump from motowheels installed...gotta love warranty!