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So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. upload_2021-7-17_21-6-46.jpeg
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  2. As in wot El T posted :D Andy
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  3. Another gangland bin slaying on the mean streets of Manchester.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Baron d'agneau for the French restaurant visitors. Yummy.
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  5. Bit of gardening, followed by starting up the rib's Yamaha 50HP 2-stroke outboard and giving the engine a bit of a clean - pretty tidy for a 1998 edition. I think they could have saved a bit of space by having a slightly smaller oil tank!
    Evening swim in the sea when the tourists had largely gone home!
    DSC_1111-2.jpg DSC_1112-2.jpg DSC_1113-2.jpg
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  6. First time ever for me to be frightened travelling across water was on a rhib with a 50hp 2T motor. Bloody hell it was fast, well as far as I was concerned :scream:
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  7. Ours (4.8 metres) will do 30 knots (34mph) on a good day and yes it does feel exciting!
  8. 9F71E296-9366-4968-93D2-D6A94EFA7492.png Planning a route for tomorrow’s jolly so far 385 miles and about 60 getting home.:)
    #75729 DucatiScud, Jul 18, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2021
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  9. That sounds like a ball buster if your on a sports bike doing that distance in one visit.:thinkingface:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. My mates shortened it a little by not taking the Haverfordwest route, even though it was his idea to get to the furthest tip of Wales.:mad:

    I have 1 sports bike that I haven’t/don’t ride, going on the KTM 790. Need to get the fairing on the 749 so I can sell it.:)

    The last sports bike I rode was a T595, without doubt the most uncomfortable bike arm position wise I’ve ever had the mis fortune to own and ride, that’s after owning a 851 which was hands down 100 % more comfortable.:)
  11. Pleasant early (and cool) buzz around the local lanes on my bluestroke. Time to relax in my hammock in the rose garden...
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  12. So the KTM should be a breeze compared to the others in your stable, go forth and multiply.:upyeah:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. Sounds perfect Jez :)
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  14. After a disturbed sleep through the night thanks to my next door but one neighbours and their guests ordering taxis all night and screaming at 3am I got up at 7 to enjoy the coolness of the morning with my first cuppa
    Just the nature world going about it’s business :)

    The next bbq they have could I arrange a group of you to turn up for bacon sandwiches around 8am please :D
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    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Whoops that biker just missed his gears blatting up the road i was waiting for the bang :grinning:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  16. F8CA4646-C9BF-47A8-B7D0-F0F76A39AEC9.jpeg Well, summer is back here (first perfect clear blue skies in weeks! ) and we bbq for lunch. No disturbances to neighbours. ;)
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  17. Just done this route (Holmfirth/Flouch/Glossop/Chapel en le Frith/Bakewell/Matlock Bath - stopped for coffee/Baslow/Hathersage/Snake Pass/Glossop/Holme Moss/Holmfirth…….All in all 125 miles or so.) with my neighbours Dan (KTM 1290 SuperDuke) and Steve (BMW S1000R). And very brisk it was too!


    It was stonkingly hot!
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  18. ooooo can we have an invite :)
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  19. My bestie just surprised me with a bacon roll through the window :D
    Nice surprise
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