I didn't have to do anything as i'd four young shop assistants around me trying to sort the problem 4 me.
Takes 4 youngsters to lift a lump hammer nowadays? Kids eh, wimps. We used to juggle with 4 lump hammers to build upper body strength for the ancient martial art of eckywackdoh. Tell the youngsters that and they don’t believe you. Times were hard in Salford 5. Bin day! I’m all giddy!
Blue! Berty blue bin. Recycle bin. My favourite, 21 years old this year. That’s old in bin years but not a creak just his usual rumble when moving.
Only in Northern climes. Deterioration rates are variable. Southern Jessy types age much more quickly. UVA, UVB seems to be a problem. Keep them well shaded and only put them out at night, quickly back in in the morning. Rumbling also upsets the neighbour far better the later and earlier you do this. Gravel drive ways of course can really annoy them. Well they’re just annoying anyhow. Writing a thesis on this at the moment. Hope to publish in Bintastic my favourite technical journal.
Went round to mothers, said heating isn't working, not feeling warm, it was set 22c, so I upped it to 23c, any higher and she'll be able to cook dinner on the coffee table.
Been out for a couple of hours on the Panigale. Petrol prices have shot up round here…………I put a tenners worth in and it cost me £15.50!
Did 130 miles on Ducati Worcester's V4 Multistrada this afternoon, had to put £25 worth of fuel in and brought it back with only a smidge more than I left with... Great bike I'll admit but drinks like Oliver Reed...
Portsmouth-Caen, then 3 days of D roads to Dordogne/Auvergne and 3 days back on D roads. We never pre book hotels, know where we are going without maps etc, it’s a freedom pass.