Started fitting kitchen in the rental house and bought the Mrs and sproglett tickets for Dirty Dancing in London Village, only their 3rd time of watching this show.
NZ National Day today ( Waitangi Day ), working, so me and the fella's decided to have a BBQ lunch, Wild Venison Backstrap Steaks, Wild Pork Chops and Bacon, Wild Venison and Beef Patties, Homemade Whole Grain bread, and for Salad we had Chips, absolutely stuffed now, can hardly move so not a lot of work happening this avo'.
I was invited round at a friends place for that all important sunday roast which saves me on the washing up, but before i arrived on site i received a phone call from the said friend, she'd her vehicle up for sale on autotrader and three heavy dudes arrived and played about with that old leaking head gasket routine, dirty bastards sprayed fresh oil on and around the cylinder head also wiping the expansion tank cap with oil at the same time. strangely enough they still wanted the vehicle, you've been warned.
They both saw Six at the Grand Theatre in Wolverhampton Saturday too and they loved it. They love going to live shows so are making up for lost time atm. Hope you enjoy DD as much as they have on both occasions.
I was thinking of going out on the scrambler today for an hour or so but it looks like we’ve had some snow so I don’t think I’ll bother
Booked an appointment for measuring up some new leathers. Being tall means off the peg is not an option