I've a break / house sitting coming up in August time so i might take the bike down & have a cuppa with them.
Had a busy day at work, building up for a mad six weeks summer holidays of school work refurbishments. Last job was to drop off ten fire doors, the caretaker looked about 102 years old so carried them in on my own. Things were better when I got home, wife was going out to dog training, daughter was off out for dinner with her best friend. A quick pizza in the oven then off for a very invigorating couple of hours out on the superlight. I knew there was a reason I bought those vented one piece leathers, perfect evening for it.
Just got over it myself, tested positive last Thursday, felt quite rough Friday and Saturday. Felt fine since Monday but only got a negative today
More than 40 years ago my 'business partner' and I sold a Matchless in pieces to a guy from Sittingbourne (when he called me I thought he said 'Sitting Bull'). He came down on another Matchless and loaded the entire bike onto it, and it had that general look. (He asked for a number for the train station so we gave him the one for the police station.)
Busting ceramic tiles from the wall only to find the previous trademan has tiled on tiles, which's a NO,NO in my book. If you don't know what you're doing, then leave well alone.
Was on a job stripping wallpaper, i could feel there was about 3 layers underneath but which turned out to be 5 cost the customer more money.
I helped a lady put some of that modified urine? stuff in her BMW 'cos the pouring funnel attachment was way too flimsy/not fit for purpose. We both had a go at screwing but no amount of effort helped so between the two of us balancing and holding it, finally managed to get a decent amount in. It was messy but she was beaming at me afterwards. I would normally have had a cigarette at this point.