It’s your call. Get your self some meat based pie products you’ll be a lot happier afterwards I can assure you.
Started clearing the garage yesterday. Reckon we've got at least another 2 days in there before it's ready for the new owners. Fitted the trickle charger cables to the RT battery so I can keep it charged before I ride it down to Cadiz - hopefully next month but looking more like January now. What a PITA that was!
Been to Rybrook Worcester to pick up new roof bars for our new car ( bought a 420i coupe last Friday) went into Worcester for some stuff. Took Lady Vader to a Indian cafe Called Wall to Wall in Kiddy for lunch (coz I’m smooth like that) Laid some new loft insulation in the, err, loft above our bathroom. Exciting day!
Viv, How's your gearbox as i jump in a friends R53 on the odd occasion and it leaves me with pain as so damn stiff for changing. #that does sound a little rude now that i've written it.
What's going on as you didn't wink at me. On more serious note most boxes are fine, but i'd hear that there're problems with some early batch's on thses models.
lots of chin wagging at the Ducati Newlands meet today, only about seven of us huddled shivering near the serving hatch, then decided to have a look in the middle of Lidl. bought a glue gun and saw this, you couldn’t make it up:-
A little hand pops out and punches you in the face when you start? Maybe @Expat Jack needs one for our next room share…
A small servicing job first thing this morning (Mrs). Then we did the weekly food shop. Watched all of the Moto GP classes qualifying. Took the fairing off a bike. Then very little else as the weather has been miserable.